近年來由於通訊與網路等科技不斷的進步,使得通訊與網路等相關產品,已成為人類世界不可或缺的一部分。而在其所應用的技術中,光纖通訊的技術常扮演將訊號有效的發射與接收,並提供高資訊量的傳輸通道,因此光纖通訊電路的設計與製作是很重要的,而本論文則是針對10Gb/s光纖通訊系統接收端電路做進一步的研究與探討。 在論文中是以Ⅲ-Ⅴ族製程的砷化鎵異質接面電晶體HBT來設計相關的電路;利用HBT其高頻率、高速度、高驅動力等優點,設計如光接收端電路如轉阻放大器(TIA)、可調增益限制放大器(AGC-LA)、解多工器(DeMux)等,完成接收端電路10Gb/s傳輸率的模擬與製作。 In recent years, as a result of the advancement of communication & networks constantly, it makes the relative products of communication & networks become the essential parts of the world. In the technology of the application, the technology of the fiber communication often makes a rule of the effective emitting & receiving of the signal and supplies the channel of the transmission of the high data rate. Therefore, it is very important to design and make the circuit of the fiber communication. The purpose of this paper is to research and discuss the 10Gb/s receiver circuit of the fiber communication more increasingly. The relative circuits of the fiber communication in this paper are designed and realized by the GaAs HBT transistor made by Ⅲ-Ⅴclan semiconductor. And bring up the flow path of the designed and measured way. Utilize the advantages of high FT, high speed, high thrust to design the optoelectronic receiver circuits, such as the transimpedance amplifier, the auto-gain control limiting amplifier, the demultiplexer and finish the simulation and implementation of the 10Gb/s optoelectronic receiver circuits.