本論文是以平面式倒F天線設計使用在IEEE 802.11a/b/g (WLAN)、802.16 全球互通微波存取(WiMAX)及藍芽(Bluetooth) 等應用範圍,頻率依序為2400~ 2500 MHz 、3300MHz~3700MHz以及5100~ 5900 MHz。 倒 F 型三頻天線設計(Triple-band Planar Inverted-F Antenna Design with Parasitic Element)是將雙頻天線藉由外加寄生元件所產生三頻方式,亦可增加頻段的頻寬。天線為求體積小型化的設計,也利用天線彎曲 (meander) 、槽孔(slot)及缺陷型接地結構(Defected Ground; DGS)等方式來實現。此天線的驗證是由HFSS模擬軟體先做規格上的確認,待模擬結果達到所設定的天線規格後逕行實作。實作方式是經由印刷電路板 (PCB) 所製的50歐姆微帶線饋入小型化天線主體,其天線主體與寄生元件是使用厚度為0.2 mm的銅片製作,尺寸為15.5×10.5×4 mm3,並且將天線擺放位置移至印刷電路板的右上角板邊,以提供與其他積體電路在空間上更有效的整合應用。 最後,比對天線之模擬與量測相關數據可得到趨近的之結果,操作頻帶可完全涵蓋所設計的規格,使得本設計的天線可以真正的在商場上應用。 In this thesis, we present the investigation of a Planar Inverted-F antenna design for IEEE 802.11a/b/g (WLAN), 802.16 (WiMAX), and Bluetooth wireless applications. The frequency ranges of interest are 2400~ 2500 MHz, 3300~ 3700 MHz, and 5100~ 5900 MHz. The proposed triple-band Planar Inverted-F antenna is obtained by adding a parasitic element to a dual-band antenna. Also, the bandwidth of the entire antenna is increased accordingly. To achieve low profile and compact design, meander slot and defected ground are used. HFSS software is applied to simulate the proposed design. After simulation, the proposed design is fabricated on the FR4 print circuit board (PCB). The antenna is mounted on 80x 30x 0.8mm3 PCB substrate and fed by a 50 ohm microstrip due to the consideration of the practical handheld device size. The dimension of the proposed antenna is 15.5×10.5×4 mm3. The experimental results including the measurements of reflection coefficient and radiation patterns have a good consistency with the simulated results.