本文研究針對全斷面隧道開挖之數值分析與現地量測之地表沉陷結果進行比較,分析時採用ABAQUS有限元素程式作為數值分析工具。研究內容主要可分成二大部份,第一部份針對曼谷MRTA地下鐵計畫中之三維非均質土層單隧道進行分析,分別考慮大地應力平衡、潛盾機推進及襯砌和回填灌漿之作用,對二維及三維問題進行分析,討論各時期地表沉陷及離開挖面遠距離處是否達到平面應變狀態;第二部分為分析北宜高速公路彭山隧道之三維隧道交叉段開挖問題,討論人行聯絡橫坑開挖時造成隧道頂拱沉陷及三維力學行為。 在這二部份中,皆考慮土壤不排水狀況,使用Mohr-Coulomb彈塑性準則,對不同案例分別討論地表沉陷槽曲線、大地應力及位移場之影響趨勢,並將結果與現地觀測數值進行比較驗證。 The objective of this study is comparing the full excavation of ground settlement results from numerical analysis with in-site observation. The program of this numerical analysis is adopting ABAQUS. The study can be divided into two parts mainly. The first part is in accordance with MRTA project in Bangkok for non-homogeneous soil layers tunnel in analysis, which considering the earth stress balanced, EPB shield tunneling advance, lining and backfill grouting material. In this project, we can use two-dimensional and three-dimensional analysis to observe the results of ground settlement. Furthermore, it may suggest the tunnel facing away from monitoring station may have reached plane strain condition. Secondly, it is the aim of this project to contemplate on the three-dimensional excavation of intersectional tunnel in Pongshan Tunnel of Taipei-Ilan Expressway. With regard to this, it can make a research on the three-dimensional mechanical behavior for bypass excavation. In these two parts, Mohr-Coulomb material plasticity criterion is used for undrained behavior of soil. The different cases separately discuss the influence of the earth's surface trough, earth stress and displacement field. As for the numerical analysis result, they will be compared with the results from in-site observation.