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姓名 林恪亨(Ko - heng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 人格特質對薪資影響
(The influence of Personality on wage)
★ 男性婚姻溢酬的世代效果-以台灣為例★ Segregation or Integration? A Theoretical Analysis of Education Reform
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★ 選課行為與學業表現-以國立中央大學為例★ 性別薪資差異:以台灣博士為例
★ 薪資表現、行業別選擇與學院別之關聯性研究—以臺灣高等教育為例★ 探討離婚之因素-以台灣為例
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★ 轉系對在學成績和畢業一年薪資的影響—以國立中央大學為例★ 起始薪資與薪資發展的關係
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摘要(中) 在經濟學領域裡,新古典理論認為廠商為求利潤極大,廠商將所付給員工的薪資等於員工的邊際生產力,而邊際生產力指的是在其他條件不變下每增加一個單位要素投入所增加的產量。經濟學家相信個人的教育、工作經驗等是個人生產力的重要決定因素,而近年的研究 (如:Heckman等 (2006))則顯示人格特質等因素對工作表現與薪資也有影響。囿於早期台灣沒有涵蓋薪資、教育、工作經驗與人格特質等綜合性資料庫,相關的實證研究實屬缺乏。所幸 ,2005年華人家庭動態資料庫的問卷設計了關於人格特質的問項,使得探究人格特質對薪資的台灣實證影響成為可能。故本文利用華人家庭動態資料庫中的資料,分析在台灣個人的人格在薪資決定的重要性。根據文獻,此研究可能隱含內生性問題與樣本選擇問題,因此分析時我們會修正並觀察變化。實證結果顯示,單考慮內生性問題下,人格特質對薪資影響只有在男性顯著,但若我們同時對考慮內生性和樣本選擇的問題進行修正後 ,不論是男性或女性,人格特質對薪資都具有顯著性的影響且存在性別差異性。
摘要(英) In economics, Neoclassical theory predicts that a profit-maximizing firm will pay workers a wage equivalent to their marginal product. Marginal productivity measures the extra output produced by one more unit of an input (for instance, the difference in output when a firm’s labour is increased from five to six units). Economists believe a person’s education and work experience are the primary determinants of personal productivity. Recent studies (ex. Heckman et al. (2006)) emphasize the importance of personality on work performance and wage. However, there is no relevant empirical research in Taiwan. It is due to lack of an integrated dataset which includes wage, education, tenure, and personal traits. Fortunately, the 2005 PSFD (Panel Study of Family Dynamics) questionnaire covers this type of questions. This provides a ground for exploring the impact of personality on wage in Taiwan. In this paper, we use PSFD to analyze the role of personality on wage. Following literature, this study is likely to confront problems of endogeneity and sample selection. As a result, we will take these problems into account. The empirical results show
that if we only consider the endogeneity problem, personality traits is a significant factor on wage determination for men. If we consider both endogeneity and
sample selection problems, personality traits have significant impact on wage for both male and female.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人格特質
★ 薪資差異
關鍵字(英) ★ wages
★ Personality
論文目次 1緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 ...................................... 1
1.2研究方法 ............................................ 3
1.3研究架構 ............................................ 3
2文獻回顧 4
2.1人格特質理論 ........................................ 4
2.2人格特質的重要性 .................................... 5
2.3人格特質對薪資的影響 ................................ 8
2.4本章小結 ............................................11
3計量方法及模型架構 12
3.1模型架構 ............................................12
3.2模型的潛在問題 ......................................13
3.2.1內生性問題與解決方法 ..............................13
3.2.2樣本選擇問題與解決方法 ............................15
3.3本章小結 ............................................16
4資料來源及變數說明 17
4.1資料來源 ............................................17
4.2資料處理 ............................................18
4.3變數說明 ............................................19
5實證結果分析 23
5.1未分性別之實證結果 ..................................23
5.1.1自我評價的影響 ....................................23
5.1.2處理內生性問題 ....................................24
5.1.3樣本選擇 ..........................................24
5.2探討性別差異 ........................................27
5.3本章小結 ............................................28
6結論與未來建議 32
6.1結論 ................................................32
6.2未來研究建議 ........................................33
A外生人格變數 41
B羅斯伯自尊感指標 Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale 44
C以與家人情感為工具變數 46
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指導教授 曹真睿(Jen - ruei Tsau) 審核日期 2010-7-19
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