摘要(英) |
In the development process of the global smartphone industry over the past ten years, Taiwan’’s mobile phone manufacturers such as Compal, Arima, Foxconn, etc. have mainly been based on OEM and ODM business models. However, price competition among the same industry as well as control cost for sub-contract to OEM manufacturers, product gross margin has been declining. To cope with this trend, H Corporation decided to fade out the ODM business model and transferred to OBM business model, moved toward the road of “own brand” in June 2006.
This research firstly focused on the analysis of the current global smartphone industry. It includes industry trends, value chain analysis, and industry analysis via Porter (1980) Five Forces Theory. Secondly, this research introduced H Corporation’s origin, history, organizational structure, and current business status. Finally, this research analyzed and discussed the H Corporation’s marketing strategy between OEM stage and OBM stage. Conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. An emphasis on market segmentation, product adopted diversification and customization.
2. New Business model, good business telecommunication channels
3. Grasp the pulse of the market changes,
4. Product focus on user experience
5. Focus on R & D innovation, product adopted the differentiation strategy
參考文獻 |
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