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姓名 詹順安(Shun-an Jhan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 出口競爭與廠商的直接投資決策 -匯率的考量
★ 存在中間財市場下的跨國廠商進入模式選擇★ 匯率與本國中間財廠商的直接投資決策
★ 網路外部性下的利潤廠商跟共營廠商競爭分析★ 寡占市場下的自動進口擴張政策分析
★ 寡占廠商成本歧異下之最適產業與貿易政策★ 雙邊貿易的最適關稅
★ 平行輸入、仿冒與服務品質★ 經濟成長、消費者信心與銀行風險
★ 網路外部性與最適民營化政策★ 經濟整合與關稅政策的福利分析
★ 最適民營化政策的相關議題分析★ 多功能產品跨業效果的經濟分析
★ Drastic or Non-drastic Innovation When Encountering Rivals★ 存在中間財下的仿冒行為分析
★ 外人直接投資與政府的策略性汙染稅★ 垂直市場、技術移轉與外人直接投資
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摘要(中) 本文建立一個三國兩廠商的出口競爭模型,在模型中,本國廠商和外國廠商分別為不同國
摘要(英) This paper establishes a three-country, two-firm model of export competition to discuss
“exchange rate”how to affect the firms whether to engage in foreign direct investment (FDI) or not.
In the model, we assume a domestic firm and a foreign firm which are located in different countries
and whose marginal costs are asymmetrical. In respect of production, there are two decisions which
may be adopted by the domestic firm. The first one is direct export which means each firm will
produce products in their own countries and the second one is foreign direct investment which means
the domestic firm will produce in the foreign country to lower its production cost. After producing
homogeneous products, the two firms simultaneously export their own products to the third-country
market and compete in a Cournot fashion.
The major findings of the paper are as follows: First, if devaluation occurs in domestic country
with incomplete capital control, it will enhance the production cost in the foreign country. This may
cause that domestic firm isn’t interested in engaging in foreign direct investment. On the other hand,
if devaluation occurs in the domestic country with lightly capital control and the difference of
production costs between domestic and foreign firms are much larger, it may cause that domestic
firm is still interested in foreign direct investment. This is due to the increment of export competition
is larger than the increment of production cost. Second, if devaluation occurs in the foreign country
with strict capital control, it may cause that domestic firm isn’t interested in foreign direct investment;
on the contrary, if devaluation occurs in the foreign country with lightly capital control, the effect of
devaluation in the foreign country will depend on the difference of production costs and the ratio of
factors of production between the two firms. Finally, with lightly capital control, if there are a larger
difference of production costs and a higher ratio of foreign-owned factors of production between the
domestic and foreign firms, it will increase the interest of the domestic firm to engage in foreign
direct investment no matter the devaluation occurs in the domestic or foreign country.
關鍵字(中) ★ 出口競爭
★ 外人直接投資
★ 匯率
★ 資金管制
關鍵字(英) ★ Export Competition
★ Foreign Direct Investment
★ Exchange Rate
★ Capital Control
論文目次 摘要.....................................................i
第一章 研究動機與目的....................................1
第二章 基本模型..........................................8
2.1 本國廠商採取直接出口的比較靜態分析..............10
2.2 本國廠商採取直接投資生產的比較靜態分析..........13
第三章 本國與投資地主國匯率固定下的直接投資決策.........22
第四章 本國與投資地主國匯率浮動下的直接投資決策.........34
第五章 本國與投資地主國匯率不完全浮動下的直接投資決策...42
第六章 結論.............................................54
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指導教授 邱俊榮(Jiunn-rong Chiou) 審核日期 2013-7-17
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