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姓名 王若宇(Ruo-Yu Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 以立方衛星與微衛星進行GNSS-R/RO觀測的可行性研究
(Feasibility Study on GNSS-R/RO Observation Using CubeSats or Microsatellite豈)
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摘要(中) GNSS全球導航衛星系統帶給人類許多便利,除了精準定位以外,GNSS也可應用於大氣、電離層與海洋等地球觀測應用。GNSS-R/RO藉由接收經反射和偏折的導航衛星訊號,分析訊號特性變化反推經過介質的物理特性。使用低軌道衛星進行GNSS-R/RO可大幅增加海表以上資料點,包含大氣邊界層與電離層資訊,提供數值天氣預報資料同化及建立用於太空天氣監測的電離層模型。
本文收集當代GNSS-R/RO衛星計畫以及使用者需求,在考慮再訪臺灣地面站的條件下,以GPS星系為主,參考Walker星系展樣,根據需求設計出進行GPS-R/RO的Walker Delta星系,並討論不同案例中覆蓋表現。因應立方衛星應用蓬勃發展,本文採納以立方衛星及微衛星進行GPS-R的兩種情境進行地球觀測模擬。GPS-R/RO模擬過程使用STK輔助,STK提供軌道推算及VGT工具,可大幅降低運算複雜度。根據現有觀測能量及使用者需求,本文將不同案例模擬結果進行可行性分析,並提出可能應用的方向。
摘要(英) The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) brings many conveniences to humanity. In addition to precise positioning and timing, GNSS can also be applied to Earth observation, such as atmospheric studies, space weather and phenomena above the sea surface. GNSS-R/RO (GNSS-Reflectometry/Radio Occultation) are satellite based remote sensing techniques that use GNSS measurement of reflected/direct navigation satellite signals by LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellite. With analysis of the received signal, the characteristics of the medium along the signal track can be retrieved from signal differences. The applications of LEO satellites in GNSS-R/RO observation can greatly increase the amount of data points above the ocean area, obtaining information on the atmosphere and ionosphere, which provides data to be assimilated for numerical weather prediction, or to establishing ionosphere models for space weather monitoring.
In accordance with high demand on satellite remote sensing of atmosphere and sea surface around the world, the Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) leads the GNSS-RO program in Taiwan, along with international cooperation. With the success and experience in GNSS measurement from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2, TASA started the next GNSS measurement project, TRITON, for GNSS-R technical verification and providing users with sea surface data. Considering the COSMIC-2 observation capacity and the evolution of the commercial SPIRE satellite constellation for Earth observation, TASA has decided to have discussions about the feasibility of the next generation GNSS-R/RO satellite.
This article collects information from contemporary GNSS-R/RO satellite programs, conferences and data user requirements. Under the condition of revisiting the Taiwan ground station, constellations are built following user requirements and designed as Walker constellations. Using GPS (Global Positioning System) as the navigation satellite constellation utilized for GNSS-R/RO event simulation, the article discusses the coverage Figure of Merit (FOM ) in cases and demonstrates results as well. CubeSats are also popular nowadays for Earth observation. Therefore, this thesis establishes two scenarios for CubeSats and MicroSats respectively in the GPS-R simulation. In the GNSS-R/RO event simulation process, STK (System Tool Kits) provides orbit propagation and the Vector Geometry Tool, which are helpful in reducing complexity in the calculations. With the capacity of GNSS-R/RO measurement and requirements of the end user, this paper will demonstrate simulation results, and provide probable future applications.
關鍵字(中) ★ 星系設計
★ 立方衛星
★ 微衛星
關鍵字(英) ★ Constellation Design
★ CubeSat
★ MicroSat
論文目次 摘要 1
Abstract 2
目錄 4
圖目錄 6
表目錄 8
一、 緒論 9
1-1 前言 9
1-2 全球定位系統 9
1-3 衛星觀測與天氣預報 10
1-3-1 數值天氣預報與資料同化 10
1-3-2 全球導航衛星系統無線電掩星(GNSS-RO) 13
1-3-3 全球導航衛星系統反射觀測(GNSS-R) 15
1-3-4 現有GNSS-R/RO系統 17
1-3-5 衛星資料用者需求 19
1-4 微衛星與立方衛星 21
1-5 坐標系統與坐標轉換 23
1-5-1 軌道六元素(Classical Orbit Elements) 23
1-5-2 座標系統(Coordinate System) 24
1-5-3 坐標轉換法[32][35] 26
1-6 軌道推算器 28
1-6-1 J2 Propagator 28
1-6-2 SGP4 29
二、 全球定位系統無線電掩星觀測(GPS-RO)事件模擬 30
2-1 GPS-RO事件模擬假設 31
2-2 無線電掩星事件模擬設計 32
2-2-1 LEO衛星軌道 34
2-2-2 STK模擬設定 35
2-3 GPS-RO事件模擬分析 38
2-4 GPS-RO 模擬結果 39
三、 全球定位系統無線電反射觀測(GPS-R)事件模擬 41
3-1 GPS-R事件模擬情境 41
3-2 事件過濾 43
3-3 鏡像點(Specular Point) 47
3-4 GPS-R模擬流程 49
四、 星系設計 51
4-1 覆蓋品質因數 53
4-2 Walker星系 55
4-3 時間軸分析 56
4-3-1 重複軌跡軌道(Repeat Ground Track) 56
4-3-2 衛星升降分析(Rise/Set ) 59
4-3-3 時間軸排列 63
4-4 星系設計流程 64
五、 星系設計流程與觀測模擬結果 65
5-1 任務需求與案例設置 65
5-2 GPS-R星系建立 67
5-3 覆蓋模擬建立 70
5-4 模擬結果 76
六、 結果討論與未來展望 88
參考文獻 93
附錄 99
附錄一 、GPS Operational List[1][2][3]。 99
附錄二 、儒略日與格林威治恆星時轉換[62]。 100
附錄三 、MatLab ecef2lla algorithm 101
附錄四 、衛星軌道擾動[35] 102
附錄五 、星系設計規則 103
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指導教授 張起維(Loren Chang) 審核日期 2023-7-14
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