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姓名 羅偉綸(Wei-Lun Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 一整合式方法以開發對環境友善的消費性電子產品
(An Integrated Method for the Development of Environment-Friendly Consumer Electronics)
★ 應用MFM 與PPM 監控協同設計之執行流程★ 應用DSM與DRFT於汽車電子之協同開發流程
★ 一協同設計專案團隊組成方法- 以安全監視器產品為例★ 應用認知工程開發全球化光纖通訊系統
★ 羽絨產業策略規劃-應用品質機能展開分析法★ 重電業協同專案管理績效之研究-以變電所統包工程為例
★ 以屬性導向新產品開發之流程塑模與分析– 以醫療器材產業為案例★ 以品質機能展開法應用於主管管理職能之建構
★ 應用參考模型以及流程建模改善供應鏈績效-以投影機產業為例★ 協同產品開發之流程管理 - 以汽車零件為例
★ 配電系統之高壓電纜接頭供應商評選★ 應用品質機能展開於產品開發之流程分析-以刀鋒式伺服器為例
★ 實施精實六標準差改進製程良率-以機頂盒表面黏著技術為例★ 太陽能模組產業之決策營運研究
★ 新產品開發階段導入替代料之流程建模及潛在風險分析★ 應用實驗設計研發PET複合膜及改善厚膜翹曲問題
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摘要(中) 近十年來,消費性電子產品相當普及且日新月異。過去設計製造者,往往只強調市場、外觀造形及功能上的需求,卻忽略了產品設計上過多的零件對環境造成的污染問題,加上電子產品生命週期不斷縮短且消費市場快速變遷,使電子廢棄物不斷增加,對環境生態衝擊甚大。
為解決上述問題,本研究以智慧型手機為例,透過環境化設計 (Design for Environment, DfE) 之概念,以生命週期評估 (Life Cycle Assessment, LCA) 為基礎,於盤查階段中計算投入產出(Input-Output, IOT),經由衝擊評估分類及特徵化後,再以分析網路程序法 (Analytic Network Process, ANP),分析產品在環境化設計之決策指標,以及各項影響因素的重要性和優先順序,進而提供企業一最佳環境改善決策。
In recent decades, consumer electronics have been quite popular. The previous designers often emphasized the demands of market, appearance, and functions, but ignored the environmental pollution caused by the excessive components; moreover, the shortening of product life cycle and rapidly changing consumer market made the electronic wastes increase constantly and had an enormous impact on environment.
Thus, except for the relevant environmental regulations ruled by government and enterprise, we ought to deal carefully with electronic wastes, thereby promoting the global industry, enterprise, and even the consumer can fulfill the responsibility for earth protection.
In order to solve the above problems, this research is going to focus on smartphone; and use Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach based on Design for Environment (DfE) knowledge. Meanwhile, in the inventory analysis stage of LCA, we calculate the Input-Output as well as doing the classification and characterization in impact analysis stage. After that, we use Analytic Network Process (ANP) methodology to analyze the decision-making index, importance, and priority for several environmental impact factors on product development, and then provides an optimal decision for the product designers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 消費性電子產品
★ 智慧型手機
★ 產品環境化設計
★ 生命週期評估
★ 投入產出
★ 分析網路程序法
關鍵字(英) ★ Consumer electronics
★ Smartphone
★ Design for Environment
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Research Objectives 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Design for X 5
2.1.1 Design for Environment 5
2.1.2 Design for Assembly (DFA) 5
2.1.3 Design for Manufacturing (DFM) 6
2.1.4 Design for Disassembly (DFD) 7
2.1.5 Design for Quality (DFQ) 7
2.2 Outline of Smartphone 8
2.2.1 Introduction 8
2.2.2 Disassembly of Smartphone 9
2.3 Electronic Waste (E-waste) 10
2.3.1 Introduction 10
2.3.2 End-of-Life Management for E-waste 10
Chapter 3 Research Methodologies 13
3.1 Methodology Framework 13
3.2 Overview of Methodology 14
3.3 Design for Environment (DfE) 14
3.4 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 15
3.4.1 Introduction 15
3.4.2 Goal & Scope Definition 16
3.4.3 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI) 17
3.4.4 Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) 18
3.4.5 Interpretation 19
3.5 Analytic Network Process (ANP) 19
3.5.1 Introduction 19
3.5.2 The process of Analytic Network Process (ANP) 20
Chapter 4 Simulated Example 23
4.1 Design for Environment – ISO 14062 23
4.2 Life Cycle Assessment – Goal and Scope Definition 24
4.2.1 Goal Definition 24
4.2.2 Scope Definition 25
4.3 Life Cycle Assessment – Data collection and calculation 27
4.3.1 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis 27
4.3.2 Life Cycle Impact Analysis 33
4.4 Interpretation 35
4.5 Analytic Network Process 36
Chapter 5 Conclusion & Future Research 43
5.1 Conclusion 43
5.2 Future research 44
Reference 45
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指導教授 高信培 審核日期 2017-6-26
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