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姓名 鄭竹軒(Cheng-Chu-Shuan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 高速公路服務區電動充電站之設址問題探討
(Determination of Charging Station Locations in Highway Service Areas)
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摘要(中) 隨著對環境和資源短缺的壓力越來越大,節能和環境保護在全球越來越受到關注。交通運輸造成的二氧化碳排放量占全部的排放量越來越高。替代燃料汽車可以有效減少石油的使用,並且被廣泛認為是解決我們這個時代宏觀的環境挑戰,即能源安全,氣候變化和永續發展是未來的目標。
With the increasing pressure on the environment and shortage of resources, energy conservation and environmental protection in the world should pay attention more. The total amount of carbon dioxide emissions from transportation is increasing. Alternative fuel vehicles can effectively reduce to use oil and are widely considered to address the macro environmental challenges in our time. Energy security, climate change and sustainable develop in the future.
The green transport will become to increase in sustainable development. The electric vehicles may become an important transport. In order to ensure commuters drive on the freeway who have sufficient power to complete the round-trip journey. The commuters drive from their departure to destination. Many commuters must charge their electric cars during commuting. There are some problems we should solve. The purpose of this paper is to propose a mathematical model to optimize the Taiwan expressway which service areas need to set the number of charging stations and the number of chargers are in each station. In the service area of the freeway. We should minimize the total number of chargers objectively and take into account the construction of the charging station in the service area of the freeway. Commuter charging convenience is two key factors in this issue.
Where can locate the charging station and how many chargers are installed in each station to meet the basic charging requirements? It is not practical and costly to set up a charging station on every place where the event may occur. It is important for a government or city planner to properly position a charging station. For commuters who participate in activities where there is no charging station, it may be necessary to charge the electric vehicle at an alternative location within a tolerable distance.
An algorithm solve the extended model is our goal. A better positioning scheme can be obtained through the analytic extension model. We hope this paper will provide some new insights on the location of electric charging stations in freeway’s service areas.
The research of data are from the Ministry of Communications and the National Road Electronic Toll Collection data. The results show that thirteen nodes of the Donghu, Neihu, Yuanshan, Taipei, Sanchong, Wugu, Taichung system, Fengyuan, Taoya, Taichung, Okayama, Kaohsiung chiuju. The Donghu and Kaohsiung chiuju can not be setted up the charging station. The most charging station node is the Sanchong.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續發展
★ 綠色運輸
★ 充電站
★ 電動車
關鍵字(英) ★ sustainable development
★ green transport
★ electric charging stations
★ electric vehicle

中文摘要 I
致 謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
一、緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
二、文獻探討 4
2.1永續發展 4
2.1.1永續發展架構和理念 4
2.1.2各國永續發展狀況 5
2.2綠色運輸 6
2.2.1綠色運輸架構和理念 6
2.2.2綠色運輸現況 8
2.3電動車及充電站 9
2.3.1現今電動車及充電站概況 10
2.3.2充電站設置 11
三、問題描述與研究方法 13
3.1產業介紹 13
3.2問題描述 15
3.3研究方法 16
四、數學模型與假設 18
4.1高速公路充電站模型假設 18
4.2數學模型 19
五、數據分析 20
5.1資料收集 20
5.2資料分析 26
六、結論與未來發展 31
參考文獻 32
附錄 36

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指導教授 王啟泰 審核日期 2017-7-13
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