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姓名 陳蜀芳(Shu-Fang Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 競爭下面對追求多樣性顧客之定價及忠誠策略
(Loyalty program and pricing when facing variety-seeking consumers)
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摘要(中) 當消費者在選購相似的商品或服務時,經常會比較由不同供應商提供的價格或是品質等所帶給他們的滿意程度,並參考過往的購買經驗,使得消費者可能會有見異思遷的心態而選擇換家供應商做購買;或是作為某一特定供應商的忠誠顧客,長期購買產品或服務。然而,在面對消費者的多樣化消費行為,供應商為了使自身企業的利益最大化,經常會增加誘因吸引消費者購買產品或服務,而現實中經常可見的手法,例如:優惠折扣、附送贈品或是其他行銷策略吸引消費者並提升其購買意願,使得供應商在市場上面對眾多的競爭者時能夠得以生存。
本篇研究中,嘗試以兩期的購買週期,探討市場上兩相互競爭的供應商面對同一具有對產品或服務追求多樣性購買行為的消費市場時,其最佳的定價過程及忠誠策略將會如何變動。本研究將在Nash Equilibrium 的模型基礎下,供應商A及供應商B提供同質性產品,進而透過三種環境討論競爭過程與忠誠策略將如何影響消費者的選擇,進一步探討兩供應商間的決策過程與忠誠策略,不僅影響消費者的購買行為,也將同時影響供應商自身利益。環境一為基本模型,雙佔市場中面對同一消費市場,消費者的購買行為不會受到過去的購買經驗而有所影響,亦是效用保持不變;環境二中,雙佔市場中面臨追求多樣化的消費者,消費者具備見異思遷的購買行為,重複購買會使其效用隨購買次數而逐漸遞減;環境三中,基於環境二雙佔市場中面臨追求多樣化的消費者,供應商A提出促銷手段-忠誠方案給予消費者,將探討供應商雙方的決策過程以及忠誠策略對消費者的效用影響與自身利潤的變化。
摘要(英) When consumers purchase the homogeneous product or service, they may consider that the price provided by the different firms, they may refer the previous experience when they purchase product in the next period. However, when the firms face the consumers who are seeking variety, they may increase some incentive for consumers to attract them purchasing the product or service in the next period, for example, discount, freebie, and other promotions to increase the willingness of purchasing product.
Loyalty programs are very common in practice. In this study, we introduce loyalty program to understand the impact on market competition. Using a game-theoretic framework to discuss the three types of cases, including general consumer with fixed utility, variety seeking consumer, and variety seeking consumer with loyalty program. By analyzing the duopoly market, we discuss the solving procedure when firms optimize the selling pricing and loyalty program to compete each other in the market. More specifically, firm A and firm B will determine pricing decision in both periods, constructing a Nash equilibrium to analyze the solving procedure of selling price and loyalty programs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 忠誠策略
★ 多樣性購買行為
★ 雙佔競爭
關鍵字(英) ★ Loyalty program
★ Variety seeking
★ Competition
論文目次 中文摘要 ............................ i
Abstract ........................... ii
Contents ........................... iii
List of Figure ..................... iv
List of Table ...................... v
Chapter 1. Introduction ............ 1
1.1. Background and motivation ..... 1
1.2. Research objective ............ 3
Chapter 2. Literature review ....... 4
2.1. Loyalty program ............... 6
2.2. Variety seeking ............... 8
2.3. Competition.................... 9
Chapter 3. Model ................... 10
3.1. Case 1- Firms face the general consumers .... 13
3.2. Case 2- Firms face the variety seeking consumers .... 15
3.3. Case 3- Firms face variety seeking consumers; firm A provide loyalty programs .... 18
Chapter 4. Numerical Example .... 20
4.1. Case 1- Firms face the general consumers ..... 20
4.2. Case 2- Firms face the variety seeking consumers .... 22
4.3. Case 3- Firms face variety seeking consumers; firm A provide loyalty programs .... 23
Chapter 5. Sensitivity Analysis.... 26
5.1. The sensitivity analysis on the parameter of utility deduction, Ι .... 27
5.2. The sensitivity analysis on the degree of loyalty program, α .... 28
5.3. The sensitivity analysis on (?3?*−?2?*) by Ι ... 30
Chapter 6. Conclusion ....... 32
Reference ................... 33
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指導教授 曾富祥(Fu-Shiang Tseng) 審核日期 2019-7-9
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