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姓名 林美瑩(MEI-YIN LIN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 導入自動化分揀機評估-以零售業物流中心為例
(Implementation of Automated Sorting System Evaluation- -A Case Study of Retail Logistics Center)
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摘要(中) 當今物流業面臨的最大挑戰之一是勞動力的可用性,電子商務發展所引發的運輸需求,使得對物流作業人員的需求不斷增加,另一方面面臨的就是勞動力人口的減少及勞動力老化的問題。當企業考慮提高營運的利潤或產出時,自動化聽起來是相當誘人的,但是是否有合理的投資回報來證明自動化的合理性及適合性?企業在導入自動化時,需考量作業適合那種自動化設備,因為一旦決定實現自動化,如果自動化應用不正確,可能會付出非常昂貴的代價,如何分析當前的營運情況,並找到適用的自動化解決方案,同時獲得正的投資回報。
摘要(英) One of the biggest challenges facing the logistics industry today is the availability of labor. The transportation demand triggered by the development of e-commerce has increased the demand for logistics operators. On the other hand, it is facing the problem of the reduction of the labor force and the aging of the labor force. When an enterprise considers increasing the profit or output of its operations, automation sounds quite tempting, but is there a reasonable return on investment to prove the rationality and suitability of automation? When an enterprise introduces automation, it needs to consider what kind of automation equipment the operation is suitable for, because once it is decided to realize automation, if the automation application is not correct, it may pay a very expensive price. How to analyze the current operating situation and find a suitable automation solution, at the same time get a positive return on investment.
According to the current statistics, the average daily operation volume of this retailer logistics center′s cross-docking operation is 90,630 boxes, and the number of full-board shipment boxes only accounts for 0.77%, which means that 99.23% of the volume of goods requires manual distribution. Goods are classified according to departments, such as beverages, cleaning supplies, groceries, small household appliances, hardware, textiles, etc. Currently, different goods distribution paths are opened for goods distribution. The staffing of the logistics center is about 160 people in the off-season, but during the peak season (Chinese Ghost Festival and Chinese New Year), short-term manpower and overtime work are required to complete the day′s operations.
There are different types and sizes of automated sorting machines. Therefore, before making a decision, it is necessary to evaluate what type of automated sorting machine can meet the needs of the operation and how it is evaluated. This is very important for the success of automated imports.
關鍵字(中) ★ 物流自動化
★ 自動化分揀機
★ 導入評估
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 研究問題 4
2.1 產業介紹 4
2.2 研究動機 8
2.3 研究問題 12
第三章 文獻探討 14
3.1 物流 14
3.2自動化 15
3.3 設備 18
3.4 應用技術 22
第四章 個案分析 26
4.1 個案公司 26
4.2 自動化分揀系統 30
第五章 自動分揀機導入評估 35
5.1自動分揀機選擇 35
5.2 效益評估 38
第六章 結論 45
6.1 研究總結 45
6.2 後續工作 46
6.3 未來展望 46
參考文獻 48
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王啟泰 審核日期 2020-7-9
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