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姓名 王斯潁(Szu-Ying Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 波導材質太陽能板校園應用之流程規劃
(Process Planning for Campus Application of Light-Weight Photovoltaic Module)
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摘要(中) 隨著時代的前進,人類大量使用非再生能源不僅將面臨能源枯竭,在消耗過程中亦產生大量有害氣體,使地球暖化更加嚴重。近幾年各國雖有明訂許多公約,但效果上並未有顯著的提升,因此永續發展依然是各國努力的目標。台灣在這樣的趨勢下也開始呼籲政府、民間、企業等等使用再生能源,而風力及太陽能是台灣主要的再生能源發展方向。政府自2000年開始推動太陽能光電,於2010年推動政府電力收購制度機制後,安装量開始顯著成長,將目標訂於2025年累計安裝容量達20GW其中屋頂型太陽光電目標6GW,包括水域面積在內的地面型太陽光電14GW。在這樣的計畫下除增加架設面積,本研究將導入新科技輕量化太陽能模組應用於校園,利用其特殊波導材質增加發電量,並帶來更多附加價值,盡量減少架設所帶來的環境威脅,也希望用完整的流程進行建置規劃,滿足台灣自給自足的能源需求。
本研究目的將以校園為對象,規劃一套符合台灣當地的太陽能模組建置流程,在流程內利用數學規劃求解方式,找出最低使用100%綠能的成本,並討論業主投入太陽能產業的合適時機。因要達到完全使用太陽能的目標,在太陽能板及儲能設備的數量上相對較為龐大,並在使用面積上有限制,因此在有限的資源上會有多餘的電力轉賣給台電。找出最佳建設數量後,根據使用台電須繳納的電價及碳稅,以及碳稅及太陽能模組成本進行敏感度分析。結果表明在不變動到市場價格的情境下,調高10%電價及80%碳稅,亦或調高70%電價及20%碳稅時,使用太陽能發電較便宜。若在調整太陽能模組的成本及碳稅情境下,降低10%太陽能模組成本及提高碳稅50%,或者降低20%太陽能模組時,使用太陽能發電已是便宜的發電方式。根據彭博新能源財經(BNEF)發表2020年新能源展望報告(New Energy Outlook 2020)中所顯示儲能裝置成本會逐年下降,因此利用建置流程搭配最佳化數學模型的結果,並以市場價格的變動來決定投入的時機,不僅可以節省自己的用電成本,亦可帶給地球更友善的環境保護。
摘要(英) With the progress of the times, human beings use a large amount of non-renewable energy. Not only will face a period of energy exhaustion, but also produce a lot of harmful gases during the consumption process. This makes the global warming more serious. In recent years, although many countries have clearly stipulated many conventions, their effects have not been significantly improved. Therefore, sustainable development is still the goal of all countries. Under this trend, Taiwan has also begun to appeal to government, private sector, and own to use renewable energy. Wind energy and solar energy are main renewable energy developments in Taiwan. The government has promoted solar photovoltaics since 2000, and government power purchases in 2010. After the institutional mechanism, the installation volume began to grow significantly. The target was set at 2025 for a cumulative installed capacity of 20GW, of which the roof-type solar photovoltaic target was 6GW, and the ground-type solar photovoltaic power including the water area was 14GW. In addition to increasing the erection area under such a plan. This research will introduce a new technology called ligh-tweight photovoltaic module to be applied to campus. Use its special waveguide encapsulation material to increase its power generation and bring more added value to minimize the environmental threat caused by erection. It also hopes to use a complete process for construction planning to bring Taiwan′s self-sufficient energy demand.
The purpose of this research is to take a campus as an example to plan a set of solar module construction processes that are in line with Taiwan. Use mathematical programming in the process to find the lowest cost of using 100% green energy. Discuss the right times for owners to invest in the solar energy industry. In order to achieve the goal of fully using solar energy, the number of solar panels and energy storage equipment is relatively large. There are restrictions on the usable area, so there will be surplus electricity sold to Taiwan Power Company in the limited resources. After finding the optimal construction quantity, a sensitivity analysis was carried out based on the electricity price and carbon tax to be paid for using Taiwan Power, as well as the carbon tax and the cost of solar modules. The results show that when the market price is not reached, it is cheaper to use solar power to increase the electricity price by 10% and the carbon tax by 80%, or increase the electricity price by 70% and the carbon tax by 20%. However, in the context of adjusting the cost of solar modules and carbon tax, reducing the cost of solar modules by 10% and increasing the carbon tax by 50%, or reducing solar modules by 20%, using solar power is already a cheap way to generate electricity. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance′s 2020 New Energy Outlook report, the cost of energy storage devices will decrease year by year. Therefore, the construction process is combined with the results of optimized mathematical models, and the market price changes are used to determine the timing of investment. You can save your own electricity costs, and also bring a friendlier environmental protection to the earth.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續發展
★ 再生能源
★ 輕量化太陽能模組
★ 儲能系統
★ 流程規劃
關鍵字(英) ★ Sustainable Development
★ Renewable Energy
★ Light-Weight Photovoltaic Module
★ Storage System
★ Process Planning
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究架構 5
第二章 研究問題 6
2.1 全球暖化 6
2.2 台灣太陽能現況 12
2.3 研究動機 14
2.4 研究問題 17
第三章 文獻探討 19
3.1 永續發展(Sustainable Development) 19
3.2 再生能源(Renewable Energy) 22
3.3 輕量化太陽模組及建置流程 29
第四章 研究方法 33
4.1 太陽模組建置流程 33
4.2 數學模型定義 35
第五章 電腦實驗 39
5.1 資料蒐集 39
5.2 實驗結果分析 44
第六章 結論 56
6.1 研究總結 56
6.2 後續工作 57
參考文獻 58
附錄一 63
附錄二 64
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王啟泰(Chi-Tai Wang) 審核日期 2021-7-19
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