博碩士論文 109421023 詳細資訊

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姓名 魏怡如(Yi-Ru Wei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 評論內容屬性與評論幫助性關係之研究
(Important factors that affect perceived reviews helpfulness)
★ 以第四方物流經營模式分析博連資訊科技股份有限公司★ 探討虛擬環境下隱性協調在新產品導入之作用--以電子組裝業為例
★ 動態能力機會擷取機制之研究-以A公司為例★ 探討以價值驅動之商業模式創新-以D公司為例
★ 物聯網行動支付之探討-以Apple Pay與支付寶錢包為例★ 企業資訊方案行銷歷程之探討-以MES為例
★ B2C網路黏著度之探討-以博客來為例★ 組織機制與吸收能力關係之研究-以新產品開發專案為例
★ Revisit the Concept of Exploration and Exploitation★ 臺灣遠距醫療照護系統之發展及營運模式探討
★ 資訊系統與人力資訊科技資源對供應鏈績效影響之研究-買方依賴性的干擾效果★ 資訊科技對知識創造影響之研究-探討社會鑲嵌的中介效果
★ 資訊科技對公司吸收能力影響之研究-以新產品開發專案為例★ 探討買賣雙方鑲嵌關係影響交易績效之機制 ─新產品開發專案為例
★ 資訊技術運用與協調能力和即興能力 對新產品開發績效之影響★ 團隊組成多元性影響任務衝突機制之研究─ 以新產品開發專案團隊為例
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摘要(中) 隨著科技的發展以及網路購物的普及,線上評論對於電商領域可謂說是越
摘要(英) Online reviews have become more and more important in Ecommerce industry and are thought to be more helpful than seller generated information. Moreover, reviews have been shown to improve customers’ perception of the product quality, and can also increase customers’ stickiness to the website.
With these benefits of review, understanding the important attributes of a helpful review let the Ecommerce be able to identify and promote more informative content, to develop encouraging content, and ultimately increase customers’ stickiness and user satisfaction to the website.
Previous researches have analyzed how review breadth and review sentiment affects perceived review helpfulness; moreover, there are also some researches mention the differences of information processing method between search goods and experience when reading reviews.
Therefore, the study utilizes text mining technique to analyze how product types affect the perceived review helpfulness. Positive and negative emotion is calculated using VADER, and this study also conduct BERTopics to calculate the topic distribution for each review. Finally, this paper discover the different information processing method between search goods and experience goods, and hence give the suggestion to Ecommerce platform base on the finding.
關鍵字(中) ★ 情感分析
★ 文字探勘
★ 經驗性商品
★ 搜尋性商品
關鍵字(英) ★ sentiment analysis
★ text mining
★ search goods
★ experience goods
論文目次 中文摘要 .................................................... I ABSTRACT................................................... II 目錄 TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................... IV 表目錄 LIST OF TABLES........................................ V 圖目錄 LIST OF FIGURES..................................... VI
I.INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1
1.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION.............................. 1
LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................... 3
2.1 NEGATIVITY BIAS ....................................... 3 2.2 ANGER REVIEW .......................................... 3 2.3 PRODUCT TYPES: EXPERIENCE GOODS AND SEARCH GOODS....... 4
2.4 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................. 5
III. EXPERIMENT ........................................... 6
3.1 DATA COLLECTION ....................................... 6 3.2 DATA EXTRACTION........................................ 7 3.2.1 Data extraction based on product types............... 7
3.2.2 Filtering out reviews with at least one vote ........ 8 3.3 TEXT PRE-PROCESSING ................................... 9
3.4 VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION ................................. 10
3.4.1 Sentiment Analysis................................... 10
3.4.2 Topic Comprehensiveness ............................. 12
3.4.3 Detailed Explanation................................. 16
3.4.4 Extreme Star Rating ................................. 18
3.4.5 Number of Words...................................... 18
3.4.6 Number of Days ...................................... 19
3.4.7 Review Helpfulness .................................. 19
IV. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULT .............................. 20
4.1 VARIABLE DESCRIPTION .................................. 20
4.2 CORRELATION MATRIX .................................... 22
4.3 RESULT ................................................ 24
4.3.1 The general effect of OLS result .................... 25
4.3.2 OLS analysis for Product Types ...................... 25
V. CONCLUSION ............................................. 27
5.1 THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS .............................. 27
5.2 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS ................................ 27
VI. REFERENCE ............................................. 28
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指導教授 陳炫碩(Shiuann-Shuoh Chen) 審核日期 2022-9-5
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