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姓名 江婕銨(Chieh-An Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 應用知識、態度與行為模型探討永續服飾消費行為
(A study of Sustainable Apparel Consumer Behavior Using Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior Model)
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摘要(中) 「快時尚」的出現帶動了服飾產業的發展,而為了滿足消費者的需求,服飾產品快速生產與消費模式,造成了大量的資源消耗與環境污染問題。然而,近幾年不僅大眾對於環境保護議題越來越重視,企業也逐漸朝向永續佈局,尤其是世界排名第二大污染的時尚產業更是積極的落實產品永續性。本研究將以知識、態度與行為模型為基礎,調查台灣消費者對環境相關知識了解程度、永續服飾的環保信任度、環境關注程度和對永續服飾標籤的滿意度及想了解的資訊等,進而探討會影響消費者對永續服飾的態度及消費行為的因素為何。本次研究透過結構方程模型進行分析後發現:消費者環境知識水準的高低對於永續服飾的態度、綠色的信任度並無顯著影響,而環境知識對環境關注呈現負向顯著影響;然而,消費者對永續服飾的態度雖不會因為環境知識水準高低而有所影響,但從結果可知,消費者對於永續服飾產品綠色信任度以及對環境的關注皆會影響消費者對永續服飾的態度,其中,又以綠色信任對態度影響最大;永續服飾消費行為則是會受到消費者對於永續服飾的態度以及對環境關注所影響,而永續服飾的綠色信任、標籤滿意度以及標籤慾望對於消費者在永續服飾消費行為上並沒有顯著的影響。從此次研究可知,環境知識程度的高低雖然對於消費者的態度並沒有很大的影響,但消費者對環境的關注以及對產品綠色信任,會影響他們對於永續服飾的態度以及對永續服飾的消費行為,因此建議永續服飾相關廠商可以多針對永續服飾產品對環境益處進行開發或行銷的規劃,透過提升消費者對於永續服飾的認同度,以助於永續的推廣及永續消費行為的產生。
摘要(英) Fast fashion is a manufacturing approach focusing on rapidly producing and consumption of clothing, which not only consumes a lot of resources and causes serious pollution to the environment. With the rise of environmental awareness, the fashion industry has begun to actively implement sustainable ways on logistics and production. This study aims to investigate the influence of consumers′ attitudes and consumption behaviors towards sustainable apparel, using Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior Model. Additionally, the objective of this study is also to examine whether consumers are affected by contextual factors such as their understanding of environmental knowledge, environmental trust in sustainable apparel, environmental concerns, satisfaction with sustainable apparel labels, and the information they want to know. Based on the responses from 504 Taiwanese consumers, empirical analysis using structural equation modeling demonstrates that the level of consumers′ environmental knowledge has no significant effect on the attitude of sustainable apparel and green trust, while environmental knowledge has a negative and significant effect on environmental concerns. However, evidence shows that consumers′ attitude towards sustainable clothing is affected by the level of environmental knowledge. Results also indicate that consumers′ green trust in sustainable clothing products and their concern for the environment have significant effect on consumers′ attitude towards sustainable clothing, where green trust has the most significant effect on attitude. Furthermore, sustainable apparel consumption behavior is found to be affected by consumers’ attitudes towards sustainable apparel and environmental concerns, while sustainable apparel’s green trust, label satisfaction and labeling desires have no significant effect on consumers′ consumption behavior of sustainable apparel. These findings suggest that consumers′ concern for the environment and their trust in green products affect consumers′ attitudes towards sustainable apparel and their consumption behaviors. Therefore, sustainable apparel related manufacturers can focus on the environmental benefits of sustainable apparel products for product development and marketing planning, which may enhance consumers′ recognition of sustainable apparel to help sustainable promotion and increase consumer willingness to purchase sustainable apparel.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續服飾
★ 環境知識
★ 綠色信任
★ 環境關注
★ 標籤滿意度
★ 標籤慾望
關鍵字(英) ★ Sustainable apparel
★ Environmental knowledge
★ Green trust
★ Environmental concern
★ Labelling satisfaction
★ Labelling desire
論文目次 中文摘要 ii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 永續服飾發展與定義 5
2.2 知識、態度與行為模型(KAB model) 7
2.2.1 環境知識(Environmental knowledge) 8
2.2.2 永續產品的態度(Attitude towards sustainable products) 9
2.2.3 永續消費行為(Sustainable consumption behavior) 10
2.3 態度、行為與情境理論(ABC theory) 12
2.3.1 環境關注(Environmental concern) 13
2.3.2 綠色信任(Green trust) 14
2.3.3 標籤滿意度(Labelling satisfaction) 15
2.3.4 標籤慾望(Labelling desire) 16
第三章 研究方法 17
3.1 研究假設 17
3.2 問卷設計與內容 22
3.3 模型建構 27
3.3.1 模型架構 27
3.3.2 結構方程模型 29
第四章 資料分析 32
4.1 敘述性統計分析 32
4.1.1 研究對象與資料收集 32
4.1.2 人口統計資料分析 33
4.1.3 問項資料分析 35
4.2 結構方程模型評估 39
4.2.1 信度分析 39
4.2.2 效度分析 41
4.2.3 模型配適度 44
4.2.4 路徑分析 50
第五章 研究結論與建議 54
參考文獻 58
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