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姓名 陳筱捷(Shiau-Jie Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 應用整合科技接受模式探討影響使用行動銀行服務之因素
(Using UTAUT Model to Explore the Factors Affecting the Use of Mobile Banking Services)
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摘要(中) 隨著金融科技的多樣化,行動銀行提供的服務也更加多元,但過去較少有關行動銀行服務的研究。因此本研究以行動銀行服務為主軸,探討民眾對行動銀行的認知是否會影響使用行動銀行服務的行為。在本研究選擇的整合型科技接受模型當中,大部分採用此模型的研究會觀察使用意圖與使用行為以及其他構面之間的關係,但由於行動銀行市場已經漸趨成熟,因此本研究在模型中拿掉使用意圖,直接觀察各項構面對於使用行為的影響。本研究探討影響民眾採用行動銀行服務的因素,以及男性與女性對這些因素的認知與實際使用行為是否有顯著差異。本研究透過四個UTAUT模型主要構面並另外增加信任、感知風險、感知信用三個構面,探討這七個構面對使用行為的影響。研究共提出15個假說。
摘要(英) As the development of financial technology evolved gradually, banks have provided more diversified mobile banking services. However, there are few researches focusing on the analyses of mobile banking from the perspectives of services. Accordingly, this research aims to explore the factors affecting the user behaviors of mobile banking services through the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The factor of use intention was ignored in this study, because the use penetration rate is already high for mobile banking services. An objective of this research is to discuss if there is a significant difference between males′ and females′ perceptions of these factors and their actual use behaviors. Based on four main aspects of the UTAUT model and three additional aspects of “trust”, “perceived risk” and “perceived credibility”, the other objectives of this research are to investigate whether the above aspects affect “user behavior”. A total of 15 hypotheses have been proposed in this research.
Taking Taiwan customers as research target in this research and applied Structural Equation Model, Analysis of Variance, and descriptive statistics to understand the relationships among factors and use behavior, the results show that gender has significant influence on the perceptions of perceived credibility, trust, facilitating conditions, and use behavior, while there is insufficient evidence to show that gender has significant influence on performance expectations, effort expectations, social influence, and perceived risks. In addition, the results show that performance expectations, facilitating conditions, social influence, and trust have significant influence on customers’ behavior of using mobile banking services, while effort expectations, perceived credibility, and perceived risk have no significant influence on use of customers’ behavior, which includes customer service, insurance service, payment and transfer service, investment and wealth management service, loans service, and robo-advisor services.
關鍵字(中) ★ 行動銀行
★ 整合科技接受模式
★ 信任
★ 感知風險
★ 感知信用
★ 使用行為
關鍵字(英) ★ Mobile Banking
★ Trust
★ Perceived risk
★ Perceived credibility
★ Use Behavior
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 行動銀行服務與影響行動銀行的因素 6
2.2 整合科技接受模式與行動銀行服務 14
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 研究構面與性別 18
3.2 構面之間的研究假說 21
3.3 結構方程模型 27
3.4 模型構面衡量方式 29
第四章 研究分析 32
4.1 資料收集與抽樣方法 32
4.2 結構方程模型評估 38
4.2.1 信度分析 38
4.2.2 效度分析 40
4.2.3 模型適配度分析 41
4.3 變異數分析 42
4.4 路徑分析 47
第五章 結論與建議 50
參考文獻 52
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指導教授 沈建文(Chien-wen Shen) 審核日期 2022-9-13
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