博碩士論文 109226074 詳細資訊

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姓名 張立宏(Li-Hong Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 四方八角晶格非厄米特拓樸電路系統研究
(The Research of Non-Hermitian Topological Circuit System of Square Octagonal Lattices)
★ 平坦化陣列波導光柵分析和一維光子晶體研究★ 光子晶體波導與藕合共振波導之研究
★ 光子晶體異常折射之研究★ 光子晶體傳導帶與介電質柱波導之研究
★ 平面波展開法在光子晶體之應用★ 偏平面光子晶體能帶之研究
★ 通道選擇濾波器之探討★ 廣義光子晶體元件之研究與分析
★ 新式光子晶體波導濾波器之研究★ 廣義非均向性介質的光傳播研究
★ 光子晶體耦合濾波器之研究★ 聲子晶體傳導帶與週期性彈性柱波導之研究
★ 對稱與非對稱波導光柵之特性研究★ 雙曲透鏡之研究
★ 電磁波與聲波隱形斗篷之研究★ 一維光子晶體等效非均向介值之研究
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摘要(中) 本文主要研究四方八角晶格 (square-octagon lattice) 之緊束縛模型 (tight binding
model) 的拓樸性質。首先研究量子版本的晶格模型的能帶結構,探討有限晶格結構的角
態與邊緣態,以及它們與根據布洛赫波函數 (Bloch wave function) 計算札克相 (Zak
phases) 所得的拓樸不變量之間的對應關係。對於此晶格系統的電路模型,在每兩個節
點連線上除了布置有電感之外,還引入並聯電阻使系統成為非厄米特 (Non-Hermitian)
摘要(英) This thesis focuses on the studies of the topological properties of the tight binding models
on square-octagon lattice. First, the band structure of the quantum version of the lattice model
is studied, investigating the corner states and edge states of finite lattice structures, as well as
their correspondence with the topological invariants related to the Zak phases of the Bloch wave
functions. For the circuit model of this lattice system, in addition to placing inductors on each
edge of two connecting nodes, parallel resistors are also introduced to make the system nonHermitian. The calculations for the non-Hermitian system involve incorporating both the node
voltages and their time derivatives into the wave function, and expressing the system′s evolution
equation in the form of a non-Hermitian Schrödinger equation. For the simulation of corner
states and edge states in the circuit model, a bi-region structure is adopted, with the outer layer
being topologically trivial and the inner core being topologically non-trivial. We analyze the
variations of corner states and edge states in this system as the boundary conditions change, and
explore their correspondence with the topological invariants.
關鍵字(中) ★ 四方八角晶格
★ 拓撲
★ 非厄米特
★ 邊緣態
★ 角態
關鍵字(英) ★ Square Octagonal Lattices
★ Topological
★ Non-hermitian
★ Edge state
★ Corner state
論文目次 摘要....................................................................................................................................................... iv
Abstract .................................................................................................................................................. v
致謝....................................................................................................................................................... vi
目錄...................................................................................................................................................... vii
圖目錄................................................................................................................................................. viii
第一章 緒論............................................................................................................................................1
1-1 拓樸簡介 ...........................................................................................................................................1
1-2 貝瑞相 ...............................................................................................................................................2
1-3 章節安排 ...........................................................................................................................................5
第二章 研究理論....................................................................................................................................6
2-1 二維 Su-Schrieffer-Heeger 模型......................................................................................................6
2-2 2D SSH 模型拓樸不變量之計算 ...................................................................................................10
2-3 以 LC 電路實現 SSH 模型............................................................................................................12
第三章 非厄米特系統..........................................................................................................................19
3-1 非厄米特系統..................................................................................................................................19
3-2 非厄米特 2D SSH 模型 ..................................................................................................................20
3-3 非厄米特 2D SSH 模型模擬結果 ..................................................................................................23
第四章 研究模擬與討論......................................................................................................................26
4-1 四方八角晶格..................................................................................................................................26
4-2 四方八角晶格之邊緣態與角態......................................................................................................28
4-3 LC 電路實現四方八角晶格............................................................................................................43
4-4 非厄米特四方八角模型..................................................................................................................47
第五章 結論與未來展望......................................................................................................................50
5-1 結論 .................................................................................................................................................50
5-2 未來展望 .........................................................................................................................................50
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指導教授 欒丕綱(Pi-Gang Luan) 審核日期 2023-8-21
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