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姓名 何亮甫(Liang-Fu Ho)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 綠色供應鏈績效: 制度理論觀點
(Green supply chain performance - Institutional Theory Perspective)
★ 二氧化鈦技術生命週期之研究★ 整體後勤業參與同步工程於產品開發績效關係之研究—以中科院為例
★ 筆記型電腦之IFA/PIFA天線技術生命週期分析★ 國籍航空公司經營績效分析-以資料包絡分析方法分析
★ 從專利分析看3D IC技術與市場發展★ 影響企業導入電子發票系統成效之因素探討
★ 影響企業導入數位學習成功因素之探討-以個案公司為例★ 產品生命週期管理系統導入成功要素之探討--以S科技公司為例--
★ 組織創新能力影響因素研究★ 製 造 業 閒 置 資 產 轉 售 平 台 製造業閒置資產轉售平台-以廣達電腦股份有限公司為例
★ 供應商先行者優勢探討-以宸鴻科技為例★ 團隊領導者創新特質與開放式創新專案關係之研究
★ 從商業生態系統談樞紐者策略-以Apple 與Nokia 為例★ 個人電腦的競爭與發展策略-以台灣電子產業為例
★ 應用兩階段資料包絡分析法評估高級職業學校之經營績效★ ERP導入的促進因素:使用者觀點
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摘要(中) 由於疫情肆虐對全世界的企業造成很多不確定性和恐慌,嚴重擾亂了企業的供應鏈管理,紛紛出現供應鏈「斷鏈」問題,間接影響到消費市場的供需平衡,再加上Covid-19 期間生態意識的提高,使得企業的永續性開始受到越來越多的關注,對綠色供應鏈管理的研究也同樣大幅增加。綠色供應鏈管理(Green Supply Chain Management)透過提高能源使用效率降低生產浪費,並強調與利益關係人之間的合作,能提高整體組織績效,減少工業活動對環境的影響。有鑑於此,本研究以台灣企業為研究對象,並以制度理論觀點解釋供應商的參與和積極性對於綠色供應鏈管理的成功至關重要,釐清供應商是受到供應鏈引領企業哪一種綠色情境因素影響,進而使引領企業產生綠色願景並向供應鏈傳達共同目標,使供應商在面臨供應鏈中相似的挑戰與需求,而逐漸發展出相似的組織形式與價值觀,最終供應商將與引領企業建立長期且穩固的承諾關係達到綠色供應鏈績效。
摘要(英) Due to the rampant spread of the pandemic, it has caused a lot of uncertainty and panic for businesses worldwide. This situation has severely disrupted supply chain management for companies, leading to various instances of supply chain "disruptions." Indirectly, this has affected the supply-demand balance in consumer markets. Coupled with the heightened ecological awareness during the Covid-19 period, the sustainability of businesses has started to receive increasing attention. Consequently, research on green supply chain management has also seen a significant increase.Green Supply Chain Management emphasizes improving energy efficiency, reducing production waste, and promoting collaboration with stakeholders to enhance overall organizational performance and minimize industrial impacts on the environment. In view of this, this study focuses on Taiwanese companies, using institutional theory to explain the crucial role of supplier participation and enthusiasm in the success of green supply chain management. It aims to clarify which green contextual factors influenced by the supply chain lead to the development of a green vision in companies and the transmission of shared goals throughout the supply chain. This helps suppliers, facing similar challenges and needs within the supply chain, gradually develop similar organizational forms and values. Ultimately, this leads to the establishment of long-term and stable commitment relationships between suppliers and leading companies, achieving green supply chain performance.
The study employs questionnaire surveys targeting management tiers of various company supply chains. A total of 107 valid responses were collected. The analysis of research hypotheses was conducted using the structural equation model with partial least squares (PLS-SEM). Through empirical research, the study found that the prominence of environmental ecological issues and the performance of domain networks significantly influence leading companies to establish green visions and share them with the supply chain. Additionally, the institutional similarity among suppliers exhibits a significant moderating effect during the process of supply chain evolution, effectively enhancing the commitment relationship between suppliers and leading companies. Through this close commitment relationship, green supply chain performance is positively impacted.The findings of this research can provide academic and business insights and recommendations for the future development of green supply chains and the evolution of supply chain homogeneity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 綠色供應鏈管理
★ 生態問題突出性
★ 領域網絡性
★ 員工價值觀注
★ 分享綠色願景
★ 關係承諾
★ 制度相似性
★ 綠供應鏈績效
★ 演化同形
★ 強制同形
★ 模仿同形
★ 規範同形
關鍵字(英) ★ Green Supply Chain Management
★ Ecological Issue Salience
★ Field Cohession
★ Individual Concern
★ Green Shared Vision
★ Relationship Commitment
★ Institutional Similarity
★ Green Supply Chain Performance
★ Convergent Evolution
★ Coercive Isomorphism
★ Mimetic Isomorphism
★ Normative isomorphism
論文目次 摘要........................i
第一章 緒論..................1
第二章 文獻探討...............6
第四章 資料分析與研究驗證......................37
4-1 樣本基本資料分析..........................37
4-2 研究構面敘述性統計分析.....................39
4-4 結構模型路徑分析...........................46
第五章 結論與建議...............................54
5-1 結論.......................................54
5-2 研究意涵...................................55
5-3 研究限制與後續研究建議......................58
附錄一 問卷....................................69
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指導教授 洪秀婉(Shiu-Wan Hung) 審核日期 2023-10-19
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