近年來員工分紅配股與股票選擇權相關論文的增加,引人注目;其焦點著重於員 工分紅配股何以激勵員工。本論文彙整過去相關文獻及研究,藉由問卷調查及統計分析的結果,驗證股票獎酬及心理所有權的相關性,並以個人需求特質為干擾變項進行探討。以及探討員工分紅制度下的高科技員工,其心理所有權及組織公民行為和離職傾向之效果及影響。 在資料的蒐集上,本研究以高科技產業具備股票制度公司員工為研究對象。本研究共發放1000份問卷,有效樣本數為438份,使用SPSS為驗證樣本的分析工具,並以相關分析及階層回歸分析檢驗各變項之間的關係 As organizations world-wide implement strategies with the expectation that they will motivate employee and improve performance to sustain competitive advantage globally; there is an extensive interest of practice and research upon issue regarding employee stock ownership and psychological ownership in organization in the recent decade. Researches in the field have somewhat reach the consensus that in order to implement effective practice of employee ownership which in turn influences organizational competitiveness; employee psychological ownership is essential to be induced in this process (Pierce, Kostova and Dirks, 2001; Pierce, Rubenfeld, & Morgan, 1991; O’Reilly, 2002; and O’Driscoll, Pierce and Coghlan, 2006). To further expand on the previous research, the purpose of this study is to foster a greater understanding of issues on employee psychological ownership within organizations that implements equity incentive compensation practice. It is the intention of this research to devote efforts to understand the dynamics of employee ownership by examining the individual psychological process as individual need characters that involve through out the formation of psychological ownership. Therefore, this study has uncovered the personal factors as individual need that influences the formation of the employee psychological ownership. Key words: employee stock ownership, employee psychological ownership, personal characteristics