摘要: | 摘要 面對高度競爭與快速變遷的環境,人力資源管理在組織中所扮演的角色日益重要,但不同於過去重視人力資源管理與組織績效的討論,本研究從內部顧客與角色的觀點,探討人力資源部門的效能,並依循組織鑲嵌結構的特性,建構影響人力資專業人員角色行為表現之前置因素與可能後果的多層次檢驗模式。研究樣本蒐集自39家國內製造業之人力資源部門員工232份,及直線部門員工284份,經本研究層級線性模式(HLM)分析結果顯示,影響人力資源專業人員角色行為表現的前置因素,除了個人層次人力專業人員所擁有的職能因素,包括親和與勤勉可靠性格及專業能力外,還會受到來自部門層次整體部門授權氣候因素的直接影響與干擾。而在策略夥伴、行政專家、變革推手、員工鬥士四個人力資源部門角色表現中,又以策略夥伴角色表現最受內部顧客單位的肯定與重視。最後本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並提出ㄧ些後續研究與實務管理之具體可行的建議。 ABSTRACT Facing great competition and radical change of environment, the role of human resource management becomes more important in organizations. This dissertation, different from traditional research on discussing the relationship between human resource management and organizational performance, aims to explore the department effectiveness of human resource from the viewpoints of internal customers and role behavior. The characteristics of nested structure were applied to develop a multilevel framework in which to examine the antecedents and outcomes of role performed by human resource professionals. Survey data of 232 employees in human resource department and 284 employees in line departments were collected from 39 manufacture firms in Taiwan. Drawing on Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM), the results show that the antecedents associate with role performed by human resource professionals are not only individual level factors of their competences, such as personality traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness and professional capability, but also department level factor of empowerment climate which directly and moderately affects their role behavior. While aggregating individual level roles behavior of Strategic Partner, Administrative Expert, Change Agent, and Employee Champion to department level, the role of Strategic Partner performs by human resource department is significant related to internal customer effectiveness evaluation. The implication of management and future study suggestion were also discussed. |