近年來,由於勞動市場彈性化的趨勢之下,促使人力派遣產業的興起。企業透過人力派遣達到降低成本以及增加僱用彈性;個人透過人力派遣可以累積工作經驗與技能,並滿足工作自由的需求。 不過,因為國內派遣環境未臻成熟,產生優秀的派遣人才難以尋覓以及派遣員工不適任等問題,所以派遣機構應提供派遣者適當的職業訓練,強化他們從事派遣工作的能力,以完成要派企業交代的工作。因此,本研究的目的為探討派遣員工的個人特性與派遣機構所提供的職業訓練間之關係。 本研究透過六家派遣機構的協助,代發問卷給他們的派遣員工進行調查,共發放550份問卷,回收266份有效問卷,而統計工具包括描述性統計與迴歸分析。 研究結果發現,派遣機構對男性派遣員工的訓練投入高於女性;年齡愈高的派遣員工,派遣機構對其訓練投入愈低;而薪資水準愈高的派遣員工,派遣機構對其訓練投入愈高。 Recently, it is because of the increasing importance of labor market flexibility that dispatched workers become more and more popular. Companies hire dispatched workers not only save labor costs but also management flexibility. For the dispatched workers the benefit of doing dispatch work is to obtain training that dispatching agencies offer or gain work experience in preparing for permanent job. However, the dispatching business in Taiwan is still at its early stage of development and therefore it is difficult for companies to recruit qualified and competent dispatched workers. It would be good if dispatching agencies are able to provide appropriate vocational training for dispatched workers prior to assigning them to their employers. Therefore, for understanding how do the traits of dispatched workers affect their possibilities of receiving vocational training provided by their dispatching agencies, an empirical study is undertaken. In this study, a sample of 550 dispatched workers was drawn from six dispatching agencies, and 266 valid questionnaires were returned. Based on these returned questionnaires and regression analysis, the findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The dispatching agencies provide more vocational training for male dispatched workers than for female ones. 2. The dispatching agencies provide less training for the elderly dispatched workers. 3. The dispatching agencies provide more training for high-paid workers.