如何透過組織成員因為具有所有權的感覺,而藉由組織成員主動展現各種角色外行為以達成組織目標,一直是過去研究者所致力的議題之一。Pratt & Dutton(2000)指出所有權知覺是影響組織成員間是否是否願意付出更多犧牲的關鍵因素,而這種自發性的行為正是組織公民行為的表現方式之一。因此,如何透過所有權知覺影響組織成員主動展現各種組織公民行為以達成組織目標,便是組織及人力資源管理工作者必須重視的課題。 本研究旨在探討員工分紅制度下的高科技從業人員,其心理所有權與組織公民行為間之效果及影響。在資料的蒐集上,本研究以國內高科技從業人員中之間接人員、並具有員工分紅經驗者為研究對象,進行調查研究。 本研究總計回收之有效樣本為400份,回收率65.6%。研究結果發現,所有權信念和所有權行為是主要觸發組織公民行為的心理所有權構面;而在組織公民行為中之保護組織資源這個構面,則必須由較屬於心理層面的的心理擁有感來觸發;而人際關係則和心理所有權各構面間無顯著相關,其中可能是受到華人文化及集體主義的影響。因此,組織必須營造出一個可以讓員工產生心理所有權知覺的環境,以便誘發員工展現各種不同型態的組織公民行為,以達到組織與員工雙贏的局面。 In past years, many researches were all focus on how to encourage organization members to show extra-role behavior that based on the sense of ownership. The sense of ownership is the key issue to show the subject behavior, which the subject behavior also is one of the dimensions of organization citizenship behavior(OCB). And this will be an important topic for human resource management to influence organization members to achieve organization’s goals by ways of showing the OCB. The research has already predicted the psychological ownership would be positively associated with OCB. This research received 400 valid questionnaires from indirect labors that have experienced profit sharing in a high-tech company. The result indicated that(i)ownership beliefs and ownership behavior were the major concept to trigger the OCB; (ii)the concept of protect company’s resource in OCB, it would need to be triggered by deeper psychology inside like psychology of possession; (iii)dimension of interpersonal harmony in OCB has no associated with psychological ownership, it may due to the different culture and collectivism of Chinese. Thus, organization management team and human resource management should create an environment to engage employees with sense of ownership, and let employees automatically perform OCB to achieve the success for both organization and employees themselves.