本研究將透過早期多位學者探討人力資源角色之相關文獻的整合與訪談國內知名企業之經營者對於人力資源角色之期望,將二者作一適當結合以進行人力資源管理新角色模型的建立進而發展出適用於國內之人力資源管理角色量表。 本研究主要研究對象係以天下雜誌2004年台灣1000大企業排名之製造業、金融業、服務業以及國立中央大學管理學院EMBA與人力資源管理研究所在職專班已畢業之學長、姊進行問卷發放,問卷發放以企業為主體,每間受測企業共發出1份企業經營者、1份人力資源主管與2~3份之功能性部門主管,一共發放1235份問卷,回收318份,有效問卷286份,有效問卷回收率為23.16%。 量表經因素分析、效標關聯效度分析與信度分析後由原本設定之11個次構面與49題量表題項縮減為6個次構面與31題量表題項,其中包含22題角色衡量題項與9題角色績效衡量題項。於量表建置完成後,亦針對企業經營者與人力資源主管、功能性部門主管與人力資源主管對於人力資源角色之認知與看法進行檢測,以瞭解三者間對於人力資源角色的認知是否具有差異,經配對樣本施測後發現,企業經營者與人力資源主管對於人力資源角色認知並無明顯差距,而人力資源主管與功能性部門主管在諮詢顧問與員工服務者二項角色上則有較顯著之認知差異。 The major purpose of this study is to develop a new HR role model and a scale of HR roles that can be applied to Taiwan. The data were collected from interviewing seven CEOs and related literatures. Five questionnaires were sent to each company and one for CEO, one for HR manager, three for functional managers respectively. The sample of this study was drawn from top 1000 companies in manufacturing, financial and service industries of CommonWealth Magazine in 2004. We also collected data from EMBA students and students graduated from HRM department of National Central University. 286 questionnaires were collected for analysis and response rate was about 23.16%. In total, 22 HR roles in six domains (strategic partner, cultural developer, consultant, change agent, HR expertise and employee champion) were identified. There were no significant difference in role perceptions between CEOs, functional managers and HR managers.