這篇研究最主要目的探索在華人文化體系為主的社會(台灣)中,「工作資源」、「職家衝突」與工作和非工作相關後果之關係。而本次研究將特別聚焦於各種不同形式「工作資源」降低「職家衝突」與增進「工作滿意度」、「家庭滿意度」與「幸福感」的效能。本研究利用結構式問卷蒐集264份有效樣本,訪談對象均為全職員工。 研究結果發現對於台灣員工而言,各種不同形式「工作資源」均能有效降低「工作-家庭衝突」、「家庭-工作衝突」,並增進「工作滿意度」、「家庭滿意度」與「幸福感」。「工作-家庭衝突」、「家庭-工作衝突」均會降低「工作滿意度」、「家庭滿意度」與「幸福感」。而「工作滿意度」、「家庭滿意度」均能有效提升「幸福感」。更重要的是,本研究發現「主管理念性支持」是所有不同形式「工作資源」中效果最強的資源,其能最有效降低「工作-家庭衝突」、「家庭-工作衝突」,並增進「工作滿意度」、「家庭滿意度」與「幸福感」。相較於「主管理念性支持」,「組織家庭政策」與「組織家庭支持」效果則不如「主管理念性支持」強烈。因此在「職家衝突」的議題上,對於工作在注重關係的集體主義文化的員工而言,組織必須重視「主管理念性支持」的關鍵效果。 The aim of the research was to explore relations between work resources, work/family conflict and work/nonwork-related outcomes, in the cultural context of a Chinese society (Taiwan). Specifically, we explored the effectiveness of various types of work resources in reducing work/family conflict and enhancing work morale as well as personal well-being. Using structured questionnaires, a sample of 264 full-time employees were surveyed. Analyses revealed that for Taiwanese employees, various types of work resources were positively related to reduced WFC and FWC, enhanced job satisfaction, family satisfaction and happiness. Both WFC and FWC were positively related to reduced job satisfaction and family satisfaction. Both job satisfaction and family satisfaction were positively related to enhanced happiness. More importantly, we found that “supervisor family support” was the most effective work resource in reducing work/family conflict and enhancing work/nonwork-related well-being, whereas “organizational family-supportive policies” and “organizational family support values” were less effective resources. Thus, the crucial beneficial effect of supervisor support was again underlined regarding work/family issues for employees working in relationship-conscious collectivistic cultures.