企業環境的競爭力指標已隨時代的典範移轉而從傳統的創新性產品、技術、流程、市占率等,轉變成那些不會隨時間改變,且能為組織塑造適當文化、培養所需能力的人力資源。 然而,當人資管理的重要性越受重視時,人資部門究竟應扮演著何種協助組織績效成長的角色是需要被清楚界定的,儘管一直以來學者們對於人資角色的分類在不同環境背景或分類基礎下各有分歧的看法,但其實環境與企業需求是不斷變動的,故本研究將選擇延續使用林怡嫺(2006)依據實務訪談資料所設計之人力資源管理角色量表,以及人資部門對組織績效影響之檢測,以進一步藉由樣本數的累積和不同的統計分析方法,客觀的長期追蹤調查人力資源管理角色在2007年度之角色分類數目與2006年是否有所差異,又不同的功能部門主管對於人資角色的觀感是否存在認知差距,以及延伸探討何種人資角色會對組織績效呈現正向關連性,以作為人資實務界之參考。 本研究對象為企業之人力資源部門和其他功能部門主管,二年度樣本累積共465份,其中包括168份人資主管問卷和297份其他功能部門主管問卷,並以探索性因素分析法將人力資源管理角色分為三類,分別依題意命名為「策略夥伴」、「提供人力資源服務」和「諮詢顧問」;組織績效分為二類,分別依題意命名為「策略性組織績效」和「行政性組織績效」。研究結果顯示,2006年與2007年之角色分類數目不同,而人力資源部門主管和其他功能部門主管在2006年並無存在認知差異,在2007年則有,且「提供人力資源服務」和「諮詢顧問」二角色分別在二年度的策略性組織績效呈現正向顯著影響,但在行政性組織績效方面則顯示三個人資角色在二年度均對其呈現正向顯著影響。 As time goes by, the competitive indexes of business environment have already switched from innovative product, technology, processes and market share rate to human resource who will not be changed with time and to help organization build appropriate culture and cultivate necessary ability. However, when the importance of HRM has been more emphasized, the role of HR department should be identified clearly. Although there are many kinds of classifications of HR role, but the business environment and demands change constantly. Therefore, this study will use a HR role questionnaire which was designed by interview data to understand how HR department affects organization performance and if HR role changes between 2006 and 2007. Finally, to discuss what kinds of HR role will affect organization performance significantly. The questionnaire was sent to each company and one for HR director, two or three for functional directors. The sample of two years is 465, including of 168 HR director and 297 function directors. After exploratory factor analysis, three HR roles(strategic partner, HR service provider, and consultant)and two kind of organization performances(strategic organization performance and administrative organization performance)were identified. The result of this study showed that HR roles between 2006 and 2007 were different. And there were no role perceptions differences between HR and function directors in 2006, but 2007 were. HR service provider and consultant affected strategic organization performance significantly in 2006 and 2007 individually. Three HR role affected administrative organization performance significantly in both two years.