無疆界職涯(boundaryless careers)之新觀念來自於無疆界組織(boundaryless organization)的興起,此趨勢必會直接影響到員工對於職業特性的看法。以往的員工只需要在某一特定組織內做著同一件工作任務即可,未來的員工極可能面臨新興工作型態的改變,即可能需要在不同單位或組織之間輪流調動不同的工作以符合組織內彈性人力的需求。隨著企業組織結構追求扁平化,晉升機會大幅減小,一些學者提出”進步而非晉升”的因應之道,因此,企業漸漸地鼓勵員工進行工作輪調以取代晉升所帶來的職涯發展。 本研究以國內輪調制度實施最為成熟之產業—銀行業為研究對象。本研究採取便利抽樣(convenience sampling)的方式,獲取銀行業389位曾有輪調經驗員工的回收問卷,目的在於探討影響企業實施工作輪調效益之成功關鍵因素,惟有把握住重要的原則,方能達成輪調預期效果。 透過皮爾森相關分析與階層迴歸分析,本研究得出下述幾點結論:1.「企業將輪調制度視為發展功能之定位度」、「提供輪調者訓練之支持度」與「實施輪調前後工作性質之差異性」三者是影響輪調效益的重要組織因素;2.員工之「輪調意願」是影響輪調效益的重要個人因素;3.員工的輪調意願對於組織因素與輪調效益之間的關係具有中介效果,可能會部分削弱其他組織因素對於輪調效益的影響。 The concept of boundaryless careers comes from the emersion of boundaryless organization, and this certainly has an important impact on employees’ attitude toward their jobs. In the past, employees usually perform a single function in the organization, but in the future they will be required to perform multiple functions and to be rotating among different jobs and different divisions within an organization, due to the increasing need for functional flexibility. With the rapid advancement in information and communication technology most enterprises have been adopting flat hierarchy organization approach which means fewer promotion opportunities for their employees. To resolve the lack of promotion problem scholars have suggested organization to adopt a new approach which is called “progress instead of promotion“. Hence, enterprises are increasingly encouraging employees to accept job rotation as a way to replace the effect of career development from promotion. In this study we select domestic banks which have well established job rotation system as subjects of our study. By using the “convenience sampling” technique we received 389 usable questionnaires and by using Pearson correlation, and regression analysis to analyze these data, we found that: 1.The extent of employers using job rotation as a means of developing enterprise human resource, the extent of employers in providing employee training, and the share of company’s budget on employee training are the major organizational factors in influencing the benefits of job rotation. 2. Of all the individual factors, employee interest is the only important factor in affecting the benefit of job rotation. 3. Interactions between employee’s interest and organizational factors are immediate factors in affecting the benefit of job rotation.