近年來,企業在進行人力資源發展計畫時,多導入360度評量制度,希望藉由多源來源的評估方式,使得評量結果更為客觀與正確。過去關於評核系統內涵效益之研究曾發現,當員工發現當實際結果與期望間的差距越大或越不一致時,評核系統的效益越低。360度評量既屬於評估系統的一類,受評者對於評量制度的預期與認知之落差是否影響評量制度的效能,應是値得重視之議題,但過去有關360度評量之研究卻顯少提及。因此,本研究以Oliver (1980) 所提及之期望不確認理論以及後續學者修正過後之期望不確認理論為基礎,探討受評者之評量結果「預期–認知」落差是否影響其自我發展意圖。 本研究採用問卷調查法,個案公司為某間正在導入360度評量系統之區域醫院,針對擔任受評者角色之主管進行前後測問卷調查。研究結果發現,受評者之評量結果「正確性『預期–認知』落差」對「有用性知覺」、「評量滿意度」有正向之影響;「有用性知覺」對「評量滿意度」、「自我發展意圖」有正向之影響;「評量滿意度」對「自我發展意圖」亦有正向之影響;同時「有用性知覺」與「評量滿意度」會作為中介變數,影響「正確性『預期–認知』落差」與「自我發展意圖」間的關係。 360 degree feedback plays an important role in human resource development. This study used the expectation-disconfirmation theory and Bhattacherjee, A. (2001) information system continuance model as a theoretical framework to examine how 360 degree ratees’ discrepancies between the expectation and the reality affect the intention to self-development. This study conducted in a regional hospital which implemented 360 degree feedback for the first time. 80 employees were surveyed before starting 360 degree feedback. Ratees’ perceived accuracy, perceived usefulness, feedback satisfaction, and intention to self-development were investigated after 6 months. The results indicated that disconfirmation of accuracy was positively related to perceived usefulness and feedback satisfaction. It suggested when results are more accurate than ratees’ expectations, feedback will be more useful. Those who found feedback more accurate than expected also satisfied with the results. Perceived usefulness was positively related to feedback satisfaction and intention to self-development, and feedback satisfaction was positively related to intention to self-development, too. The results also indicated that perceived usefulness and feedback satisfaction mediate the relationship between disconfirmation of feedback accuracy and intention to self-development.