本研究針對個案公司40~55歲之中年族群進行實驗,以親子溝通作為簡訊廣告的訴求,鼓勵親子間多使用簡訊做為互動橋樑,期望因此帶動中年父母提升簡訊的發送量。 研究結果發現: 1. 鼓勵使用簡訊作為親子溝通的簡訊廣告對過去不發簡訊的中年用戶促動效果顯著,整體回應率為9.3%,有回應者實驗期間平均每人每月簡訊發送則數從實驗前的0則成長至12則。 2. 本次實驗的回應者在實驗結束後一個月,簡訊發送量仍可維持實驗期間的水準。 3. 以親子溝通為訴求的簡訊廣告在中年女性回應狀況較男性來得佳,顯示母親相對於父親更重視親子間溝通的問題 4. 東部或離島的中年父母回應率較都會區父母佳,可能因偏遠地區資訊較匱乏有關,對偏遠地區父母提醒使用簡訊增進親子關係是很實用的方法及資訊。 5. 本實驗的廣告效果對中年簡訊低使用戶不僅提升了簡訊發送量,也提升其他電信產品的使用量,回應者不論電話通數及帳單金額,都有顯著的成長。 從簡訊的實際收益可知本次實驗為十分成功的行銷活動規劃,本研究只投入少量人力設計及規劃簡訊廣告,卻帶來可觀的收益,創造以低投入成本卻獲得高收益的典範,可提供個案公司作為未來發展簡訊低使用戶行銷策略的參考指標。 The subject of this research is to increase SMS low user’s usage by mobile advertising. We take middle age subscribers (40 ~ 55 years old) as the research objects and provide SMS advertising bundle with parent-child communication concept. We try to encourage mid age parents to communicate with their children by SMS for increasing SMS usage. The research findings are: 1. To encourage mid age parents communicating with their children by SMS has better performance in non-active SMS user in the past. The response rate is 9.3% ,and average monthly SMS usage of take up user grows from zero to twelve during experiment period. 2. After one month, SMS usage of take up user can sustain about the same level with experiment period. 3. The objective reminding parents to communicate with their children by SMS gets greater response in female than male. It shows that mothers take more attention to parent-child interaction than fathers. 4. The mid age parents living in remote region take more response than those living in city. We assume that mid age parents living in remote region have less interaction information with child and using SMS is a good method. 5. The advertising effect of research not only increases SMS usage but also raises up other telecom product usage. The take up users get big performance no matter in call count or in bill amount. From the actual revenue of this research, we think it’s a successful promotion planning. We spent little human resource to design SMS advertising, but we create significant profit. We try to build up the model to spend the minimum effort to achieve the maximum result. And we provide a good reference indicator with developing the strategy of low SMS user in the future.