動作感應的遊戲已逐漸盛行,目前最暢銷的代表則如任天堂的遊戲機Wii,此機讓使用者能以單手或雙手握著控制器,藉由指點和搖擺等動作來控制遊戲的進行。 這類體感式遊戲被視為能當成教學和學習的工具,此研究探討如何設計動作感應式的教學用遊戲,讓學習者能在3D立體的虛擬環境中學習,此取代滑鼠操作的肢體感應人機介面是以視訊攝影機追蹤使用者手握的LED點光源,讓使用者能以直覺的方式來操作電腦,此外並運用3D立體眼鏡讓使用者體驗具環繞音效的即時互動動畫,以提升學習者的互動經驗和學習動機,。 為了評估使用者對使用此系統的意向,此研究採用科技接受模式的問卷調查,實驗結果顯示,相對於滑鼠操作,受測者對此新的體感互動介面在使用上有較高的娛樂感和使用意願,且在統計分析結果上呈現受測者的娛樂感正向的影響他們的使用意願,此外問卷統計結果也顯示,此肢體互動設計顯著讓受測者感覺更容易使用。Video game consoles that enable their users to use active body movements as mode of interaction are becoming more and more popular. In fact, the best-selling video game console at the time of writing this study is the Nintendo Wii, which is operated by one or two handheld controllers that gamers have to point and swing to operate their games. On education’s point of view, active video games have been regarded as more promising teaching and learning tools on entering the 21st century. My thesis explores an immersive learning game based on 3D stereoscopic and motion tracking techniques. Instead of a mouse, we use the LED tracking technique to create a body movement interaction for users to naturally interact with the system (waving their hands). With a view to engagement and motivation, the system supplies interactive digital contents including 3D stereoscopic models and animations, real-time interaction and 3D stereo sound. To evaluate users’ intention of utilizing the system, the questionnaire based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) were provided. According to the experimental result, perceived playfulness is a positive association with attitude toward using; and the system’s interface model is a positive association with perceived ease of use.