本研究探討了以職家平衡氣候作為一中介變項,如何連結起人力資源管理措施與員工個人變項間之跨層級關係。研究資料來自於75家在台灣上市櫃公司與1520位員工樣本,根據分析結果,本研究主要發現有三:其一,職家氣候乃由多構面且具相依關係的構念所組成;其二,人力資源管理措施會形成互補關係影響職家氣候,並進而影響員工個人態度及行為;其三,職家平衡措施屬一重要的互補角色,它會強化包括團隊設計與誘因薪資的效益,並進而影響職家氣候乃至於對於員工的影響(包括離職傾向、工作滿意與工作投入)。本研究之發現,可作為爾後研究者對於人力資源管理措施間的互動關係與複雜之本質,以及職家平衡氣候於組織內工作氛圍所扮演角色之研究參考。The aim of this study is to examine the mediating role of work-family climate on the cross-level relationship between human resource (HR) practices and employee outcomes. The results, based on a sample of 1520 employees across 75 firms in Taiwanese context, indicate that work-family climate is a multi-dimensional and interdependent construct, which is affected by the complementarity of HR practices-on the extent to which work-family practices in the firms are adopted to enhance the benefits from team-based and incentive-based HR practices. In turn, employee attitudes and behaviors (i.e. turnover intention, job satisfaction, and job involvement) can be enhanced through a supportive work-family climate. The findings reveal the complicated and interactive essences of HR practices and its relationships with overall and specific work-family climate. More implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.