摘要: | 本研究以行政院主計處主辦之時間運用調查為基礎,分析台灣人民在以下四類時間的運用狀況:吃飯、睡覺等的生活必要時間、維持經濟來源的市場工作時間、照顧家庭的生活事物的家庭工作時間,以及扣除以上時間所剩餘的休閒時間。 首先,本研究探討擁有不同人口特性的台灣國民在時間運用有何差異,包括性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、同住者狀況、居住地區、雇用情形以及休假狀況。接著,由於台灣政府於2001年實施政府單位周休二日制度,因此我們利用T檢定分析 2000年以及2004年的時間運用調查,發現台灣人民縮減法定工時後,於非假日時顯著的增加市場工作時間以及家庭工作時間,並且減少自由時間,於假日時則顯著的增加家庭工作時間以及必要時間。另外,我們以上述的人口特性分析不同族群在縮減法定工時前後的時間運用差異。最後,由於日本及南韓分別在1994年、2009年全面實施周休二日,因此我們分析並比較三個國家在縮減法定工時前後,該國人民的時間運用變化,以供我國政府未來擬定全面周休二日政策時的參考。Time is classified into four types, including necessary time, working time, housework time and leisure time. The research analyzes how people in Taiwan allocate their time using Time Use Survey conducted by Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. First, the research aims at the difference on time allocation by gender, age, marriage status, education, family, residence, employment and holiday. Secondly, we use T-test to compare 2000 and 2004 Time Use Survey to know how people changed allocation of time after Taiwan government has reduced the working hours to 40 hours a week in 2001. We find people not only increased working time and housework time but also decreased leisure time on weekdays. Besides that, people increased housework time and necessary time on weekends. Moreover, we analyze how people with different traits use time after regulated working hours was reduced. Japan government implemented the reduced-working-hours policy in 1994 and South Korea government did in 2004. Lastly, we compare the time use of people in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea to know their difference. |