近年來,許多企業發現越來越難吸引所需人才,如何使企業在招募時能找到與企業需求相符的應徵者,並使招募效率提高,成為企業人力資源部門重要的任務。由此,雇主品牌概念逐漸興起,藉由雇主品牌的建立,協助企業在招募時能提高成效,達成吸引人才進而找出企業真正所需員工之目的。 本研究以填寫問卷方式,以431位大三、大四及研究所等即將求職之社會新鮮人,與已有工作經驗之求職者為對象,分析填答者五大人格特質傾向對於人力資源品牌的偏好,並進行具備工作經驗與否,對於前述偏好關係產生影響之分析。 研究結果發現,五大人格特質「外向性」、「開放性」、「神經質性」、「勤勉正直性」、「親和性」對人力資源品牌之「薪酬制度」與「職涯發展」有顯著正向影響;五大人格特質中「外向性」、「神經質性」、「勤勉正直性」、「親和性」對人力資源品牌之「員工關係管理」有顯著正向影響。「工作經驗」則對於人格特質與人力資源品牌構面間關聯性不具正向干擾效果。 Presently, enterprises have been frustrated to find the talent they really needed. How to attract candidates to apply for jobs which meet the enterprises’ needs and increase the efficiency of recruitment are important issues for human resource department. Therefore, enterprises have taken the “Employer Brand” thought to help them to attract talent and improve efficiency when recruiting. This study collects 431questionnaires from college junior, senior undergraduates, Master's students and job applicants with a few years’ working experience. Responds from questionnaires were analysis to explore how persons with different personal traits will prefer different human resources brands. On the other hand, wondering how work experience moderates the relationship between personal traits and human resource brands. The result of this research found that Big-Five personality “extraversion, openness to experience, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and agreeableness” are key factors to “compensation” and “career development” in human resource brands. In addition, “extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and agreeableness” are key factors to “employee relationship management” in human resource brands. However, work experience is not a moderator between personal traits and human resource brands.