本研究以台灣經濟新報TEJ資料庫2010年底資產額達100億以上的上市公司(共計240家)為研究對象。使用多元迴歸方程式,分別以「企業經營績效指標」、「機構法人投資持股比率」為依變項,對「女性董事比率」做迴歸分析研究。研究結果顯示若沒有考量機構法人持股比率,則女性董事的比率和企業經營績效-Tobin’s Q無顯著效果,但考量了機構法人持股比率後,女性董事比率和Tobin’s Q呈顯著正相關。本土企業董事性別比例平衡與Tobin’s Q的關係可能受機構法人投資性別偏見影響,而機構法人投資偏見又以國內法人的影響最為顯著。儘管許多研究試圖將董事性別比例平衡從經濟層面的角度切入,但是在討論此議題時,仍然不能忽視其社會層面的角度考量。
With the growth of general education, job market, assuming economic responsibility for the household and self-actualization etc., there are more and more women play a decisive role in workplace throughout the world. And the issue of the working women’s right has become having the equal opportunities to promote to the top level of management. The board of directors is the most important decision-making body in a corporation, and by observing the rate of women on board can measure the decision-making power of women in workplace. The study aims to know the relation between board gender diversity and firm financial performance in Taiwan, and try to know how the gender bias in it.
The data collected from Taiwan Economic Journal Data Bank, with the total of 240 subjects whose corporations have total assets over 10 billion NT dollar in 2010. Analyzing the relation between board gender diversity and firm financial performance by using method of multiple regressions and the result shows that the gender diversity has no significant relevant relations with financial performance-Tobin’s Q. But if consider the rate of institutional investor, there has significant positive relations. The institutional investor bias, especially the domestic legal instrument, may influent the relations between board gender diversity and Tobin’s Q.