本研究旨在探討即時通訊軟體應用於工作溝通中,對於組織溝通效能以及員工個人工作壓力的影響,同時探討自我效能的調節效果。 研究樣本來源為台灣地區不同產業的員工,總計回收238份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,即時通訊軟體的應用偏好度對於工作壓力有負向的關聯;即時通訊軟體的應用偏好度對於組織溝通效能有正向的關聯;自我效能可調節即時通訊軟體的應用偏好度對組織溝通效能的影響,當自我效能愈高時,即時通訊軟體的應用會更加提升組織溝通效能。 就實務上的意義而言,本研究發現個人對於即時通訊軟體的應用偏好度會影響組織的溝通效能以及個人的工作壓力,因此當企業運用即時通訊軟體作為工作溝通的工具時,應當掌握使用者的偏好度。就使用者本身而言,應當自我管理即時通訊軟體的使用程度,才能發揮其溝通的效用。 ;The purpose of the study is to examine the impacts of instant messenger application on work stress and organizational communication effectiveness, and also examine the moderating effect of self-efficacy. The questionnaires are issued to various industries in Taiwan with 238 questionnaires retrieved. The results of analysis show that the instant messenger application is negatively related to work stress. Besides, the instant messenger application is positively related to communication effectiveness and this relationship can be moderated by self-efficacy. That is to say, employees with higher self-efficacy, it will strengthen the impacts of implementing instant messenger on organizational communication effectiveness. Due to the impacts of instant messenger application on work stress and organizational communication effectiveness, this research suggest that when applying instant messenger as a communication tool of work, we should know well the preference of users is. For the users themselves, it is important for them to manage themselves to the use of it to increase the communication effectiveness.