本研究將波導與表面增強拉曼散射結合,利用於離子交換波導表面之週期性金屬結構使拉曼散射具有空間指向性。藉由透鏡後孔徑成像之實驗分別以綠光與紅光雷射為操作波長得到之出射角度分別為19度及7.3度,利用相位匹配之理論估計以直徑500奈米之聚苯乙烯小球製作之週期性銀結構與鈉-鉀離子交換波導之模態耦合之出射角度,與實驗之結果比較發現有一定程度的吻合。然而,因週期性結構之製程不夠完善的緣故,例如:晶格之排列、錯位與點缺陷,使得實驗與理論的結果不匹配。然而,目前得到的結果證明利用此結構能量測具空間解析之指向性拉曼散射,若能改善週期性結構之組裝結果,便能不使用光譜儀就得到空間解析拉曼散射。;In this study, self-assembled periodic particle array(PPA) was investigated on ion-exchanged waveguide which enables surface enhance Raman scattering with directivity. Through back pupil plane imaging experiments, the output angles for red(=632.8nm) and green(=532nm) light are measured to be 7.3o and 19o, corresponding to 0.135o/nm. This result is in close agreement with that obtained by the grating phase matching theory for the PPA atop ion-exchange waveguide. However, weak controlling ability in the fabrication of the PPA led to imperfections such as different lattice orientations, dislocations and point defects which all contribute to the discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical result. Nevertheless, the current results have promised the capability to spatially resolve the Raman scattered light without using a bulky spectrometer with improved quality of the PPA.