2015年東協經濟共同體正式成立,以及2016年新政府南向政策的影響,台灣外派東協的人員不斷增加,企業轉往東協外派的需求也不斷增大,而過去研究認為影響外派意願最大的家庭因素,是否也會是影響現今東協外派意願的主要來源? 此外,是否還有其他因素也會影響東協外派的意願?本研究將進行深入的探討。 本研究採取問卷發放的方式,研究對象為一般在職工作員工,最後有效回收問卷數為311份。藉由迴歸分析、相關分析,探討現今台灣社會各產業在職員工家庭因素對外派東協國家意願的影響。結果顯示,年齡、總工作年資、婚姻、有無子女與外派至東協國家意願的結果呈現顯著負向相關;配偶支持、家庭責任皆會提高員工外派東協的意願,而知覺組織支持能調節家庭責任與外派東協意願之間的關聯。 ;The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Community was formally established in 2015, and Taiwanese government "The new southward policy" which was designed to encourage Taiwanese companies to increase their investment in Southeast Asian countries had increased the demands for international assignments to ASEAN. In the past research, results have shown that family factor is the most influential for international assignment. Therefore, current study discusses the relationship between family factors and willingness for assignment abroad to ASEAN. The current study which consisted of working people and have 311 valid samples. By regression analyses and correlation analysis, the current study explores the influence of the family factors of the employees in various industries in Taiwan on their willingness go to ASEAN. The results show that age, tenure, marriage, and child are negatively related to willingness to assignment abroad to ASEAN. Besides, spousal support and family responsibility are positively related to willingness to assignment abroad to ASEAN.