本研究主要為透過縱向實證研究(Longitudinal)探討影響職涯成功的長期因素,問卷分兩階段發放,時間間隔一年,探討主管信任與師徒功能在潛能/任務性績效與職涯成功之間扮演的中介角色,並綜合討論競爭性流動與贊助性流動對職涯成功的影響,有助於讓主管或組織更了解透過何種方式能提高員工對於職涯成功的感知。本研究另一項重點為探討人才管理中人才九宮格的「潛能」及「任務性績效」與職涯成功的關聯性,能避免主管過於注重部屬過去經驗和現有能力,忽略了未來潛能的重要性。 本研究蒐集台灣與大陸企業之樣本,共回收 334 份主管部屬配對有效問卷。研究結果顯示:(1)潛能與主管信任存在正向關聯性;(2)主管信任與師徒功能存在正向關聯性;(3)潛能會透過主管信任與師徒功能影響員工職涯成功;(4)師徒功能與晉升力評分、晉升次數及職涯滿意度存在正向關聯性;(5)潛能與部屬晉升力評分存在正向關聯性。;This study focuses on the long-term factors which affect the career success. Measures of employee potential and task performance were obtained from Wave 1, those for supervisor trust, mentoring functions and career success were obtained from Wave 2. The time periods of this study is one year. We discuss the mediating relationship between supervisor trust and mentoring function between employee potential, task performance and career success. The comprehensive discussion about the impact of competitive mobility and sponsorship mobility would be helpful to supervisors to understand what they can do to make employees more successful about their career. Another topic of this study is talent management. In order to avoid supervisors paying too much attention in past experience and existing ability of employees, we compare the relationships of "potential" with "task performance" in career success. The result shows that potential (future ability) is more important than task performance. Employee who has high potential is more likely to handle unexpected challenges in the future. Participants in this study were 334 individuals from companies of Taiwan and China. The results showed that (1) potential has positive effect on supervisor trust; (2) supervisor trust has positive effect on mentoring functions; (3) mentoring functions has positive effect on promotability, promotion and career satisfaction; (4) potential has positive effect on career success via supervisor trust and mentoring functions; (5) potential has positive effect on promotability.