此後社分析研究探討了績效薪酬與工作績效的關係,過去的後設分析較少純粹將主題專注於績效薪酬與工作績效上,故本研究廣納國內外近20年績效薪酬與工作績效相關之研究進行後設分析,以量化的方法獲得一特定結論。 本研究以後設分析法探討:(1)績效薪酬與工作績效的關係;(2)國家文化對於績效薪酬與工作績效的干擾效果。 本研究透過離群值分析篩選出33篇研究,總樣本數達22,509,接著進行相關係數校正、抽樣誤差與母體相關性分析、同質性檢定以及出版偏誤分析。後社分析研究結果顯示: 1. 績效薪酬能提升員工績效,其效果量在 95%信賴區間為.20 至.28。 2. 國家文化對於績效薪酬與工作績效存在干擾效果。在績效薪酬計劃內的員工,在高權力距離文化、低不確定性規避文化、集體文化、男性主義文化、短期導向文化或寬容文化下能有較好的績效表現。;This meta-analysis examines the relationship of pay for performance (PFP) and job performance. There is few meta-analysis which focuses exclusively on the effect of PFP on performance. Therefore, the purpose of this is to yield a generalized conclusion about the relationship between PFP and job performance. This study is done through meta-analysis method with results from domestic and foreign papers about PFP and job performance. This study uses meta-analysis to examine: (1) the relationship between PFP and job performance; (2) the moderating effect of national culture on the relationship between PFP and job performance. 33 studies with a total sample size of 22,509 are selected after outlier identification. Further calculations are done to correct correlation coefficient of this relationship, estimate the sampling error and population correlation r, examine homogeneity, and identify the publication bias. The results show that: 1. PFP has a significant impact on job performance, where the effect size is .20 to .28 under 95% confidence interval. 2. National culture has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between PFP and job performance. Employees with PFP plans in high power distance culture, low uncertainty avoidance culture, collectivist culture, masculine culture, short-term-oriented culture, or indulgent culture will elicit better performance than in each opposite extreme culture dimension.