根據資訊決策觀點以及社會分類觀點,本研究探討團隊知識分享在於團隊多元性與創新結果關聯間所扮演的中介角色。此外,亦探討團隊人力資本與團隊認同多元對於上述中介機制的調節效果。本研究採不同調查時點與不同樣本來源的問卷調查方式,共蒐集66份研發團隊主管樣本以及229份研發團隊成員樣本。透由多層次結構方程模型分析,本研究發現團隊知識分享能中介團隊多元性(團隊技能多元與團隊價值多元)與創新結果(團隊創新績效與員工創新行為)之關聯。此外,團隊人力資本會增強團隊技能多元對於創新結果的正向間接效果,而團隊認同多元會削減團隊價值多元對於創新結果的負向間接效果。最後,依據研究結果,本研究提出相關的理論與實務意涵。;Drawing on the information/decision-making and social categorization perspectives, the present study investigated the indirect effects of team diversity on innovation outcomes (team innovation performance and employee innovative behaviors) via team knowledge sharing. Cognitive and relational boundary conditions of the indirect effects were also explored. I collected data from team leaders and team members of 66 research and development (R&D) teams in two time waves and performed multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) to test the hypotheses. Consistent with the information/decision-making perspective, the results revealed that job-related diversity had a positive influence on team knowledge sharing, which in turn promoted innovation outcomes. Consistent with the social categorization perspective, psychological diversity had a negative indirect effect on innovation outcomes through team knowledge sharing. In addition, team human capital accentuated the positive indirect effect of job-related diversity on innovation outcomes, while team identification with diversity attenuated the negative indirect effect of psychological diversity on innovation outcomes via team knowledge sharing. Finally, important theoretical and managerial implications were discussed.