隨著科技進步、環境變遷迅速,各行各業的競爭越來越激烈,工作者是否能在企業組織、研究機構、個人工作室等各類型組織中發揮創造力產生有別於以往的創造性績效,成為組織創新求變的動力來源。影響創造性績效的因素包含創造性自我效能、人格特質及工作動機等,這些因素之中工作者具備的創業導向不僅能幫助他成功創業,也能幫助他在企業組織中發揮創造力而產生創造性績效。過去研究發現個人創業導向的特性與工作動機有關,個人創業導向會影響工作動機與創造性績效之間的關係,不過至今尚未有研究討論個人創業導向於工作動機與創造性績效間扮演中介的角色亦或是調節的角色,此研究缺口引發本研究的動機。 本研究針對台灣各行各業的工作者,以問卷調查法收集到324份有效問卷,發現本研究結果為:(1)創造性自我效能與創造性績效有正向關聯性。(2)內外在工作動機與創造性績效有正向關聯性。(3)個人創業導向於內在工作動機與創造性績效間存在部分中介的效果。(4)個人創業導向於外在工作動機與創造性績效間存在完全中介的效果。(5)個人創業導向於內在工作動機與創造性績效間不存在調節的效果。(6)個人創業導向於外在工作動機與創造性績效間不存在正向調節的效果。;Along with the progress of technology, rapid change of our environment, and higher competition between companies, enterprises need to help their talents utilize their creativity to produce creative performance in the workplace which leads to innovation. Among some factors which may influence one’s creative performance, for example, creative self-efficacy, personal characteristics, or work motivation, individual entrepreneurial orientation can not only help a worker to become an entrepreneur but also help him produce creative performance in certain organizations. Past research has showed that the properties of individual entrepreneurial orientation have a relationship with work motivation that may influence one’s creative performance. Due to the lack of research on the subject of the relationship between work motivation, individual entrepreneurial orientation and creative performance, if individual entrepreneurial orientation plays a mediator or moderator during the process of work motivation affecting workers’ creative performance, motivation of this study initiated. Drawing on an effective data of 324 workers from all kinds of industry in Taiwan, we found the research results as follows:(1) Creative self-efficacy had a significant positive relationship with creative performance. (2) Internal and external work motivation had a significant positive relationship with creative performance. (3) Individual entrepreneurial orientation partially mediated the relationship between internal work motivation and creative performance. (4) Individual entrepreneurial orientation fully mediated the relationship between external work motivation and creative performance. (5) Individual entrepreneurial orientation had no moderation effect between internal work motivation and creative performance. (6) Individual entrepreneurial orientation had no positive moderation effect between external work motivation and creative performance.