摘要: | 過去研究大多專注於「二者擇一(either/or)」思維,提出關懷型與定規型領導風格分別對於部屬行為的影響,卻少有研究以「兩全其美(both/and)」的雙元理論,應用於關懷型與定規型兩者的領導風格之上。因此,本研究以雙元領導(Ambidextrous Leadership)理論作為出發點,考量主管在二者領導風格兼備的可能性,並使用非線性統計方法-即多項式迴歸以及反應曲面分析,探討主管展現四種不同類型的領導風格(定規-關懷雙元領導、放任領導、關懷領導、定規領導)對於主管部屬交換關係的影響,且主管部屬交換關係是否會在雙元領導風格與部屬行為間產生中介效果。 本研究在台灣企業總共收集 360 份有效主管部屬配對問卷,研究結果顯示:(1)展現定規-關懷雙元領導(高關懷高定規)的主管,相較於展現放任領導(低關懷低定規)的主管,有更高的主管部屬交換關係。(2)展現高關懷領導的主管,相較於展現高定規領導的主管,有更高的主管部屬交換關係。(3)主管部屬交換關係在關懷型與定規型雙元領導與部屬行為面-即任務精熟度及反生產行為間具有中介效果。;Most of the previous researches focused on the study of “either/or” perspective leadership styles, but there were only few studies that focused on the coexistence of consideration and initiating structure leadership styles which known as “both/and”leadership style. The purpose of this research is to use ambidextrous leadership to explore the possibility of a leader with both coexistence of consideration and initiating structure leadership styles. We adopted polynomial regression and response surface analysis methods to investigate the impact of four different leadership styles (“both/and”leadership, consideration leadership, initiating structure leadership and laissez-faire leadership) on the relationship of leader-member exchange(LMX), and whether will the LMX cause intermediary effect between ambidextrous leadership consistency and subordinates’ behavior. Drawing on an effective cross-organization survey with data of 360 supervisor-subordinate dyads in Taiwan, we found the following results: (1) Higher LMX was achieved under “both/and” leadership while being compared with laissez-faire leadership. (2) Higher LMX was achieved under consideration leadership while being compared with initiating structure leadership. (3) The LMX quality has intermediary effect between the consistency of ambidextrous leadership and subordinate’s behavior such as task proficiency and counterproductive behavior. |