隨著臺灣高等教育的普及,教育是否能促進代間流動(intergenerational mobility),讓子女能夠在未來職業發展上青出於藍呢?本文利用「臺灣社會變遷基本調查」(Taiwan Social Change Survey)的「社會階層組」(Social Stratification)問卷所提供之資料進行分析。主要的研究目的為探討高教擴張政策是否助於代間社會階級之向上流動?考慮到家庭背景對個人階級取得的重要性,本文也探討父母教育對高教擴張政策下代間階級向上流動的影響。本研究首先以probit model測量高教擴張政策是否有助於代間社會階級向上流動的機率,文中選用三種衡量高等教育擴張的變數,包含大學間數、高教擴張時期與多元入學方案的實施。再以父母親教育程度作為區分,將父母親教育程度以高中職為分界,分為較高學歷及較低學歷兩組,討論父母親教育程度如何影響上述高等教育政策代間階級向上流動機率的效果。最後,則利用最小平方法分析高教擴張對子代階級的主觀評量、客觀職業等級和子代月收入之影響。 實證結果發現,高教擴張基本上是具有代間階級向上流動的效果;亦即,高等教育擴張政策有助社會流動,不會讓社會階級化。而且,1985年之前高等教育政策的上述效果較為顯著。不過,多元入學方案之實施,則會產生階級向下流動之效果。本文比較父母親學歷高低所帶來之影響,發現較低學歷家庭在高教擴張政策下對子代階級提升的效果更為顯著,故可避免臺灣階級複製的結果。而較為複雜的多元入學方案,對於較低學歷家庭子代階級的向上流動較為不利。;With the popularization of higher education in Taiwan, whether can education improves intergenerational mobility and enable children to develop their careers more successful in the future. This article uses the data from the "Social Stratification" questionnaire of the Taiwan Social Change Survey to analysis. The main purpose of the research is to explore whether the expansion policy of higher education helps the intergenerational social classes move upward. Considering the importance of family background to personal class acquisition, this article also explores the influence of parental education to intergenerational upward mobility under the expansion of higher education. First, this research uses probit model to estimate the probability of higher education expansion policy to the intergenerational upward mobility of social classes. Three variables are selected to measure the expansion of higher education, including the number of universities, the period of higher education expansion, and multiple entrance program. Then, we decompose samples into two groups by parental education level, lower than senior high school degree (lower education group) and senior high school degree or above (higher education group). Finally, this study analyzes observation’s subjective classes, objective classes and monthly income deeply under higher education expansion by using the Ordinary Least Squares method. The empirical results show that the expansion of higher education basically can positively affect intergenerational upward mobility. Moreover, the effects of higher education policies which implied before 1985 is more significant. However, the multiple entrance program causes a negative downward mobility. Families with parents of lower education makes the effect of upgrading offspring’s class more significant under the higher education expansion policy, also avoiding class reproduction. The complex multiple entrance program makes observation’s class be more unfavorable to move upward with lower education level families.