本研究分析臺灣地區企業正職員工企業組織內面運作模態。迴歸分析主管自我 犧牲影響組織公民行為的路徑,員工情緒智慧與心理資本的作用模型。數據結果反 映了由2019年至今2022年在新冠疫情促成的高科技與數位虛擬技術發展的背景 下的組織運作內面。並揭示主管自我犧牲、員工情緒智慧、員工心理資本之間是 以序列性中介作用,且有可能為一立體三角錐體的運作體系。本研究結果為未來 研究奠定基礎,可幫助後續研究在此之上更穩定探討其細部機制與擴展研究。;This study analyzes the internal operation mode of full-time employees in enterprises in Taiwan. Regression analysis of the serial mediation, the employees′ emotional intelligence and psychological capital in the model of the self-sacrificial leadership effect on organizational citizenship behavior. The results show the sequence of the serial mediation from employees′ emotional intelligence to psychological capital in the model, reflecting the internal aspects of organizational operations of high-tech and digital virtual technology promoted by COVID-19 during 2019 to 2022. It also revealed the mechanism with a high potential of a three-dimensional triangular pyramid operation within the research models of the four factors. This research brings a new aspect of detailed mechanism and expands a foundation for future research.