摘要 論文名稱:探討雇主品牌與工作滿意度之關聯-以組織認同作為調節變項 頁數:44 院校系所:國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所 畢業時間:111學年度第二學期 研究生:楊凱傑 指導教授:鄭晉昌博士 論文提要內容: 企業如何在變化莫測的環境中維持競爭力值得探討,近幾年遭遇新冠疫情衝擊,人才稀缺與人員流動性高的狀況更帶來新的挑戰;台灣人口結構也步入高齡化與少子化,面對高度不確定與變動性,企業對於雇主品牌發展、員工組織認同以及工作滿意度之重視,所作出因應行動,或許能為其降低人才育留的難度與成本,甚至將其轉換成優勢。 本研究主要為了解雇主品牌感知是否與工作滿意度之關聯,並檢視組織認同是否會對雇主品牌與工作滿意間的關係造成調節效果。藉由相關學者所發表的書籍、學術期刊、學術論文、網路資料等進行相關文獻的蒐集整理。隨後再以網路電子問卷模式,邀請受測者進行問卷填答,最後再以SPSS等軟體進行統計分析,並檢驗相關假設結果是否成立。主要研究發現:(1)雇主品牌感知與工作滿意度具正向關係 (2)組織認同對於雇主品牌與工作滿意度之間的關係具正向顯著調節效果。 關鍵詞:雇主品牌、工作滿意、組織認同、調節 ;Abstract Title: The Relationship between Employer Branding and Employees’ Job Satisfaction – The moderation effect with Organizational Identification. Pages: 44 University: National Central University, Institute of Human Resource Management. Degree: Master Researcher: Kai-Chieh, Yang Advisor: Jihn- Chang, Jehng Graduated year: First semester of 2023 Abstract: The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the world. Scarcity of human capital and high turnover rate became an inevitable challenge for enterprises; Also, the phenomena of an aged society and low birth rate arose in Taiwan. How to deal with a fast-changing environment could be challenging for enterprises. Development of employer branding, job satisfaction and organizational commitment should be highly valued and practiced by enterprises, these might lead to competitive advantage and cut down retention cost. The study focused on the relation between employer branding and job satisfaction, and testifying whether organizational identification could have a positive moderation effect on the relation between employer branding and job satisfaction. Through organizing and reviewing related books, papers, academic journals, information from the internet which laid the foundation of the research. Then, inviting participants to respond to internet questionnaires. Finally, utilizing SPSS software to conduct the statistical analysis and testify the hypothesis. Result from the research: (1) There is a positive significant correlation between Employer Branding and Job Satisfaction. (2) Organizational Identification does have significant positive moderation effect toward the relation between Employer Branding and Job Satisfaction. Key words: Employer Branding, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Identification, Moderation.