學習分數對多數國小學童而言是一大挑戰,分數在國小的數學中,是屬於既複雜又重要的概念,對分數不能理解,會阻礙學生在國小之後的數學發展。 本研究設計並實作一個全班性的電腦輔助交互式同儕教學(Computer Supported Reciprocal Peer Tutoring或csRPT)的學習環境,主要學習科目就是多數國小學童視為夢魘的分數。 csRPT是藉由在一對一的數位教室學習環境(1To1 digital classroom environment),透過無線網路建立連線,讓全班學生在教室參與「交互式同儕教學」(Reciprocal Peer Tutoring)的活動,透過分組競爭、小組合作及角色扮演模式來進行國小分數學習。學生分別輪流扮演「指導者」(Tutor)與「學習者」(Tutee)兩種角色。當「學習者」在練習分數問題時,「指導者」可以觀察「學習者」的行為並接受「學習者」的發問和給予幫助,「學習者」則在練習過程中不但要思考問題的關鍵並且可以和「指導者」互相討論,共同去尋找可能的答案,也就是教學相長(Learning by Tutoring)的合作學習。 Fraction learning is a challenging learning task for elementary students. Among mathematical course units, fraction unit is often considered the most complex numbers in elementary school mathematics. There is a great deal of agreement that learning fractions remains a serious obstacle in the mathematical development of children. In this study we try to design and construct a classwide computer supported Reciprocal Peer Tutoring (csRPT) learning environment for fraction learning. The csRPT system is building on 1To1 digital classroom environment and provides synchronous interaction and instant feedback functions for students and teachers. And also csRPT like the traditional ClassWide Peer Tutoring, which is a collaborative learning strategy. csRPT supports a dyad to perform a form of collaborative learning, called reciprocal tutoring. Enhances student motivation through game-like format, role-play and role-change. csRPT also supports teachers to monitor students’ learning states and reduce time for the teachers to do tedious logistic work.