摘要: | 動物同伴是一種針對兒童所設計的學習同伴,擁有寵物的形貌與特質,藉著與動物同伴互動和飼養,能夠引發兒童學習動機,並參與學習活動。藉由不同特色的行動裝置與無線運算能力,行動學習能為我們帶來許多不同的學習機會,近來,透過遊戲式學習也能為兒童的學習帶來益處。因此,如何設計一個遊戲式學習環境於手持裝置上變得相當具有意義。本研究參考遊戲設計、小螢幕設計與使用者中心設計等理論,開發了於行動裝置上,以寵物飼養環境的系統命名為My-Mini-Pet,並以一對一數位學習環境下的數學活動為實例,嘗試設計與運用動物同伴的學習引導機制、變裝機制與情感機制,來促進學習者的學習動機。 本研究讓學習者操作載具為主要活動,並利用問卷、實驗活動及訪談法作為資料收集的方式,透過在實驗過程所蒐集資料之結果,發現具引導機制的遊戲,能讓學習者願意多花時間,進行練習。My-Mini-Pet系統具學習動機上的引導,其變裝機制也能吸引受試者的注意力,並令受試者對於動物同伴產生情感依附的狀況,整體來看,My-Mini-Pet系統對學習的專注性和長期的使用動機確實具有幫助。 Mobile learning brings us more learning opportunities due to the characteristics of learning devices and wireless computing. Recently, game-based learning also provides promising benefits in children’s leaning. Therefore, how to design a game-based learning environment in handheld devices by combining an existing game with different learning activities is a significant research issue. In this paper, a domain-independent approach is proposed to incorporating game activities with learning activities. We attempt to incorporate game elements with the learning environment design in the PDA for students. Three considerations for the learning environment design in the hand-held devices are discussed: game element design, small screen design, and learner-centered design. According to these three considerations, a pet-nurturing game environment in the PDA, My-Mini-Pet system, is developed, including three components: digital attachment mechanism, learning guidance mechanism, and costume show mechanism. The design rationale behind the My-Mini-Pet system is that taking good care of the Mini-My-Pet is actually improving the learner’s learning status. |