心算是每天都會運用到的技能,根據多位學者的研究,心算於數學學習上很有幫助,而一般的教學方式並未特別訓練學生心算能力。本論文設計了一個於PDA 上練習心算的練習遊戲:EduTetris。目的在訓練學生心算的能力以及運算策略,相信對於學生的數學學習會有所助益。 為了達到上述目的,本研究首先排除紙筆的運算,使用PDA 作為工具,並設計一套專門訓練學生補數技巧的學習遊戲。善用遊戲的特性,於遊戲中訓練並且加強學生的加法以及心算能力,並且評估活動後的發現與結果。 The objective of the paper is to design a mathematics learning game, EduTetris:an individual learning game for mental computation. As mental computation skills are used in everyday life, many researchers have indicated that mental computation skills facilitate students’ arithmetic computation. It is important to teach the skills and strategies of mental computation for students when learning mathematics. In this study, we implemented a game on PDA and designed a unique material for learning digits which sum to 10. The game was used to help students practice mathematics addition and mental computation. In addition, an evaluation of the system and results were also conducted.