摘要: | 摘 要 桃園縣觀音鄕白玉村是閩南客家聚居的地區,此地的黃姓閩南人,其家族 成員多數閩客通婚,由於與當地客家人長時間來往接觸,並受到海陸腔客家 話、四縣腔客家話、其他客家話的影響,逐漸形成其特有的音韻現象與詞彙 使用習慣,成為今日的白玉村閩式客家話。本文即以此為研究對象。 本論文主要分為五個章節,第一章緒論,說明本論文的研究動機與目的、研究內容與方法、文獻探討、歷史背景概述。第二章介紹白玉村海陸客家話的聲韻調。第三章是白玉村閩式客家話的閩南語音保留現象,分別就聲母、韻母、聲調部分來探討,將白玉村客家話與閩南語及其他客語做比較,歸納白玉村閩式客家話的語音特點。第四章介紹白玉村閩式客家話的閩南辭彙保留現象,分析歸納白玉村閩式客家話,閩南詞彙的部分保留、完全保留現象。第五章結論,透過研究比較後得知:白玉村閩式客家話的詞彙的特色,除了有不少的閩南語音及閩南詞彙的保留現象之外,也有創新、獨特的一面。Abstract Bai-Yu village is the region for the southern Min Hakka people to inhabit in Guanyin Township, Taoyuan County. The Huang surname of southern Fujianese live here, and most of their families are intermarriage with the Hakka people. Because of the Southern Min having kept in touch with Hakka for a long time, their dialects are influenced by the Hailu Hakka, Sihsian Hakka, and other Hakka dialect. Therefore, Bai-Yu Hakka possesses its unique phenomenon in phonology and in vocabulary. This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction, including research motive and purpose, research method, literature review, and historical background. Chapter two focus on the tone as well as rhyme of Hailu Hakka in Bai-Yu village. Chapter three deals with the reservation phenomenon of Taiwan South Min in Bai-Yu Southern Min Hakka, and discussed its onset, rime, and tone separately. In addition, compare with the lexical reservation among Hakka, Taiwan South Min, and other Hakka dialect in Bai-Yu village, and then conclude the phonetic character of Taiwan South Min Hakka in Bai-Yu village. Chapter four, discuss the Taiwan South Min lexical reservation in Bai-Yu Southern Min Hakka, and induce its partly as well as fully lexical reservation. Chapter five is the conclusion. Through comparison, besides the Taiwan South Min phonetic and lexical phenomenon is preserved, Bai-Yu Southern Min Hakka holds its own innovative and unique features too. |