摘要: | 本研究主要探討國小科學教師對於「社會性科學議題教學」的相關觀點與其教學實務,此外,本研究亦發展一個整合性的「社會性科學議題教學」專業成長課程,並探討該課程對國小科學教師「社會性科學議題教學」專業成長的影響。本研究預計分三年進行,第一年將先以開放性問卷及深入訪談方式瞭解國小科學教師對於「社會性科學議題」與「社會性科學議題教學」的觀點及其教學實務,再根據質性分析結果開發量化問卷以瞭解國小科學教師對於「社會性科學議題」與「社會性科學議題教學」的觀點;第二年則採量化研究方式進行,主要探討國小科學教師的科學本質觀、科學教學概念與其對於「社會性科學議題」與「社會性科學議題教學」的觀點之相關性,以及具有不同「社會性科學議題教學」實務之科學教師其科學本質觀、科學教學概念與其對於「社會性科學議題」與「社會性科學議題教學」的觀點是否有差異;第三年則主要以質性研究方式進行,先根據歸納相關文獻所得之整合性教師專業成長課程架構設計課程內容(整個課程融入工作坊、協同行動研究、網路學習社群與教師省思札記等促進教師專業成長之策略),並驗證此課程對於國小科學教師在「社會性科學議題教學」專業成長之影響。 This study will be conducted to explore elementary science teachers’ views regarding SSI and SSI-based instruction. Also, their teaching practices regarding SSI-based instruction will be investigated. More importantly, a professional development program regarding SSI-instruction will be designed and implemented in this study, and the effects of the professional development will be examined. There are three stages of the conduct of this study. In the first stage, a group of elementary science teachers’ views regarding SSI and SSI-based instruction, as well as their teaching practices, will be explored by open-ended questionnaire. Then, according teachers’ responses on open-ended questionnaire, two quantitative instruments for assessing elementary science teachers’ views regarding SSI and SSI-based instruction, as well as their teaching practices, will be developed and implemented. In the second stage, possible factors related to teachers’ views regarding SSI and SSI-based instruction, as well as their teaching practices, will be explored. With quantitative instruments, the relationship between elementary science teachers’ beliefs about nature of science, conception of teaching, and their views regarding SSI and SSI-based instruction will be investigated. Also, differences between teachers of various teaching practice regarding SSI-based instruction on their beliefs about nature of science and conception of teaching will be also examined. In the final stage, a professional development program, integrating several strategies, including workshop, collaborative action research and on-line leaning community, will be designed and implemented. The effects of the professional development program on teachers’ views and teaching practice regarding SSI will be examined. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107 |