摘要: | 中文 摘 要 台灣在2001年客家委員會成立,2010年客家基本法律訂定之後,對於客家語文的推展以及客家精神發揚,已有遍地開花、風起雲湧的現象。如何將這股清新新興的民間力量,在滾滾紅塵中,淵源流長;是當前有志客家之士,最為當務之急。 從眾多研究及文獻回顧顯示:家庭是母語復育的關鍵,「家庭」是傳承語言最根本的地方,也是學習語言最重要的場所。而建構客語環境的意義,在於以人、空間時間和經濟為基本向度,使家庭、學校學習環境,和社區、社會外在學習環境的配置,可整體連貫的一個歷程;客語語言環境最重要的策略是「讓客語確實且明顯存在」。 本論文研究係針對南桃園中壢地區客語流失的現象、原因,以及隨著中壢城市風貌銳變,面對現代化、都市化的潮流面臨英語國語河洛話等強勢語言環境生態;政府相關公權力與第三部門社會力,如何強力整合現有資源能不拘泥於過去的保守習性,因時地而制宜適順勢積極建構客語的振興與復育,進而以客觀立場高瞻遠矚的信念,跳脫本土框架並以國際觀價值取向借鏡瑞士從小培養孩童多語言的精神、猶太民族家庭教育以及新加坡國際觀雙語策略成效,裨益提升客傳習的社會風?,樹立較完整「家庭客語環境」的建構,進而達成客語傳承的目。 研究發現,中壢地區客語復育,家庭客語環境的建構,面臨中壢地區以桃園縣接軌國際,建構新都市的大環境;所以推動客語之主流化及行銷化是優先策略。此外,針對中壢地區客語流失的現象與原因,透過文獻探討與深度訪談歸納為三大項:必須從喚起客家族群意識之覺醒,形塑客庄城市語言環境以及學習、借鏡、取法外國的經驗等,裨益達成客語傳承的研究目的。 關鍵字: 語言環境 族群認同 語言復振 國際觀 英文摘要 Construction of Family Hakka Language Environment: On the Road to Revival of Hakka with Global Vision Student:Chiang Jeng-Fwu Advisor:Chang Han-pi Ph.D. National Central University The Executive Master Program Of Hakka Studies ABSTRACT Since the establishment of Hakka Affairs Council in 2001 and Hakka Basic Law in 2010, the promotion of Hakka language and spirit has been vigorous in every corner of Taiwan, and how to sustain this newly emerging civil force has become a critical issue to Hakka people who are determined in the promotion. According to researches and literatures, family is the key to revive mother languages, the core to pass down languages, and the most important place to learn languages. Besides, constructing an environment for the Hakka language means to integrate the allocation of family and other learning environments including school, community, and society, based on four dimensions: human, space, time, and economy. And the most important strategy for the construction is to let the Hakka language exist truly and conspicuously. This thesis studies the phenomenon and cause of losing the Hakka language in Chungli City of southern part of Taoyuan County. Moreover, given that Chungli City has changed a lot as developing, urbanization and modernization prevails, and the Hakka language is surrounded by dominant languages like English, Mandarin, and the Holo language, this thesis explores how governmental authorities and social force from the third sector coordinate available sources and free themselves from conventional conservatism to actively revive the Hakka language in accordance with time, place and opportunities, and then it is hoped that they would learn, with objectivity, foresight, and global vision beyond provincialism, from foreign experiences like Swiss’s encouragement for children to speak multi-languages, the Jewish family education, and Singapore’s success of global-visioned bilingual strategy, hence the fashion of learning Hakka can be formed, and the “Family Hakka Language Environment” can be constructed, so as to pass down Hakka from generations to generations, which is the purpose of this thesis. In this research, it is found that the revival of Hakka and the construction of Hakka environment in Chyngli are affected by the fact that the city is subordinate to Taoyung County, which creates an emerging international urban environment. Therefore, mainstreamization and marketization of Hakka are the prioritized strategy and necessary measure to take. Besides, through literature review and in-depth interview, studying the phenomenon and cause of losing Hakka in the area generates three points to pass down the Hakka language as follows: awakening ethnic consciousness among Hakka people, forming language environment in the Hakka society, and learning from foreign experiences.Keywords: language environment, ethnic recongnition, language revival, global vision |