英語已是全球最重要語言之一,在台灣已將英語學習列入國小三年級課程中,並有許多研究探討數位遊戲式學習可以提升學習動機與學習成效,透過平板電腦學習英語除了讓學習可以更無所不在,更使學習的方式更加多元化。而平板電腦中常見的英語學習系統,著重於學習面的探討,如學習動機或學習成效,本研究透過網路社群功能,探討是否學習者在社群中增加學習投入程度。 本研究以國小三年級為研究對象,包含31位男性及23位女性,透過研究者自行開發的數位遊戲式英語學習系統,經由自編英語成就測驗區分不同英語學習成就學習者,以探討不同性別與不同英語學習成就的學生,是否影響系統中的利他行為以及利他行為的動機,以及利他行為對於班級氣氛的影響。 本研究之結果發現,透過數位遊戲式英語學習系統,可以看出男性學習者在利他行為的表現上比女性來得多,顯示不同性別會影響利他行為的表現。但是在不同英語學習成就的學生對於利他行為並無顯著差異,顯示在國小中低年級中不同英語學習成就並不影響利他行為。低成就的學生在學習活動的利他行為表現上較高成就的學生多。利他行為中幫助他人與接受他人幫助為正相關。透過本研究利他行為的探討,了解如何加強學習者在社群中的參與度與學習投入程度,以達到更好的學習輔助效果。 ;English is one of the most important languages. Learning English has been started in the third grade for seven years. Many studies exploring Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) can enhance learning motivation and learning effectiveness. Through the Tablet PC makes learning English not only ubiquitously but variably. Many DGBL focuses on learning motivation and effectiveness. This study explores whether the learners will enhance learning engagement in social community environment. The participants were the third grade students in elementary school, there are 31 boys and 23 girls. The researcher used a test of English achievement to distinguish the high and low learning achievement students. And the research want to know how these students would interactive in the system. The results found that boys on the times of altruistic behavior are higher than girls. It showed that gender differences would affect altruistic behavior. The researcher found that low achievement students on the times of altruistic behavior are more than high achievement in learning activities. Helping others and accepting others’ help are positive correlation in altruistic behavior. With altruistic behavior, the research understands how to enhance learning engagement in social community environment.